The Separation Barrier in Cremisan – Security as an excuse for land grabbing
Cremisan is one of the last remaining recreational sides for the Bethlehem area. It is used by people from the whole surrounding area for their family outings – on the weekends children play in the olive groves and families meet to spend time in the nature. The local landowners grow olives, fruit trees and grapes for the local Cremisan whine in the valley, the land is cultivated well and the old terraces are carefully kept. Beside all practical arguments, the valley has a breath taking beauty.After the construction of the Israeli separation wall the valley will be cut off from the community. More than 50 mainly Christian families and two Salesian convents will lose their lands.
Further, the Salesian Sisters Convent and School, which is giving education to more than 450 children of the surrounding villages, will be situated in a military area.A-According to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, the separation barrier in general is contrary to international law. Cremisan lies behind the green line of 1967 and is mainly privately owned Palestinian Christian land. According to experts from The Council for Peace and Security, an association of high-ranking Israeli security experts, the now planned route is neither necessary nor logical for serving the Israeli security needs.Main purpose of the wall in Cremisan seems the annexation of land to give the settlements Gilo and Har Gilo the possibility to grow together.B-The right to education is a basic human right. The planned route of the wall will set an end to the educational compound of the Salesian sisters in Cremisan.
The school will be surrounded by heavy military presence, turning the school – with is serving under the motto “bridges, not walls” – into a prison. 450 Palestinian children – girls and boys, Muslims and Christians alike, mainly from needy families – will either be endangered by this military presence or will have to leave their school.C-Seizing mainly Christian land is an attack on a religious minority which is specifically forbidden by international law. States should protect the existence of minorities and not confiscate their land and source of living as this forces them into migration, exile and displacement. Although emigration is a normal process among all nations, Christian emigration from the Holy Land is a unique one. Emigration from such a small community represents one of the major constraints, affecting population growth and threatening the future existence of Christians in the Holy Land.
[ed notes;click lin for whole expose,just citing few paragraphs..

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