IsraHell Tests Nuke-Capable Missile Amid Threats to Iran


by crescentandcross in Uncategorized

Surprise Test Launch a ‘Technological Achievement,’ Insists Barak

With officials still talking about the possibility of launching an attack on Iran while the weather is still nice, a surprise launch of a nuke-capable missile capable of hitting Iran fueled even more speculation.

The missile, which officials would only identify as a “ballistic missile,” was a long-range missile fired from Palmachim base with the capability of delivering a nuclear warhead. Its range would make it ideal for taking part in the Israeli attack.

Nuclear Minister Dan Meridor denied that the test was a prelude to an attack on Iran, saying “the two things are separate.” It seems unlikely to be a coincidence, however, and Defense Minister Ehud Barak touted it as a “technological achievement” for Israel’s military.

Israeli officials have been talking up the prospect of attacking Iran in the media for the past several days, but officials expressed a preference for the nation to convince the US to launch the attack instead.

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