IsraHell Responds to Palestinian Statehood With Threats


by Bob Johnson

The Jewish terrorist state of Israel is making threats in its effort to stop the Palestinian people from having their own homeland in a Palestinian state.

bloody star of david

This is the real death star.

Next Friday, September 23rd, the Palestinians are going to file their application for statehood with the United Nations Security Council. The United States, which has its Middle East foreign policy based on what Israel and its powerful Israeli lobby orders the U.S. politicians to do, has said it will veto the Palestinian effort for statehood. That will force the Palestinians to go before the U.N. General Assembly which could upgrade the standing of the Palestinians, but which could not give them full statehood. However, the upgraded status would help the Palestinians defend themselves from the U.S. backed Israeli violent aggression the Palestinians currently suffer under. Israel’s Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, threatened ”harsh and grave consequences” for the Palestinians.

This Palestinian move also brings much more into focus the raw hypocrisy of Obama and the rest of the political whores in Washington. Obama and his sycophant partners in crime in the White House and Congress will be exposed even further by their veto against the Palestinians. With their recent praise for the revolutions taking place across the Middle East, the world will further see that they are owned completely by Israel when they do all they can to stop the Palestinian bid for freedom.

Israel is based on the violently superstitious teaching of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. When you read the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible with objectivity you see just how depraved and ignorant these Hebrews were. For example, Genesis 12:10-16 says the father of all three Abrahamic “revealed” religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), pimped his wife to the Egyptians in order to receive safety and material profit! (Here is a link to our free Deism leaflets, one of which addresses this disgusting practice of Abraham. It was a “practice” because he did it more than once. See Genesis 20:2-18.)

To make their ignorance clear we can look at the example of Joshua allegedly making the Sun stand still to give the Hebrews more time to slaughter their neighbors. At Joshua 10:12-14 it is claimed that Joshua made the Sun stand still for “about a whole day.” It was this Bible passage which caused the Catholic Inquisition to almost murder the great astronomer Galileo. Galileo, I believe during the first part of his trial for heresy, said, “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” But, in order to save his life, he had to agree with the Christians and their ignorance based Jewish Bible that the Sun revolves around the Earth.  Thank God America’s founders separated religion from government!

Based on the separation of religion from government, it may be unconstitutional for the U.S. politicians to take money from American tax payers and hand it over to the religious Jewish state of Israel. Perhaps an attorney who values God-given reason and the American Constitution will bring a case forward based on this principle? If the case was successful, it would virtually end Israel’s threats and violent aggression against its neighbors.

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