This is a note to the people of Israel, for the most part, the Jewish people of Israel:
Veterans Today, a publication ADL head Abe Foxman, a person most Jews wish would simply disappear, hates, is also one of the most popular reads in Israel.
For a publication that ties some Israeli’s to 9/11, along with the folks any sane person know planned it, we are surprisingly popular. Why? It could be because VT is a fairly Jewish publication, no secret there. It could be because we have more high ranking intelligence officials than any public website.
We do have readers who hate Jews, those who visit our comment section watch me whack them from time to time. There are real crazy people out there who hate people because of their race and religion. Jews in Israel also know, better than anyone, they live among many of those crazy people themselves.
I have my own reasons for things and am notoriously un-soft spoken. I want the US out of wars, I certainly want Islam reformed, I want real democratic governments, first for the United States, Britain, Italy, Germany and France, then elsewhere.
I want an end to the Federal Reserve, the IMF and World Bank, several unnamed UN organizations, one I worked for, as do any who have a rudimentary understanding of economics.
I want to replace hate and killing with dialog. Better screaming and shoe throwing than cluster bombs. I have a very clear understanding of the Islamic world, no rose colored glasses. There are going to have to be offsets, clear restraints on the growth of Islamic extremism and similar restraints on Zionism and the American version, Christian Evangelism.
All are equal. I have no religious beliefs myself and, on occasion, find religious people, Jews, Christians and Muslims I admire, but, being honest, I admire them DESPITE their religion.
Why we are having this talk ?
Today, Spain re-instituted rape charges against Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, nephew of the Saudi King. Two days ago Turki al Faisal warned the US about using its Security Council veto to stop the formation of a Palestinian state, something the General Assembly supports overwhelmingly. These rape charges are being orchestrated as retaliation. One might also remember that the Murdoch family is in partnership in business with him and that they are extremely close to Mr. Netanyahu.
Americans are used to such things. Today, presidential candidate Sarah Palin was accused of having sex with a famous basketball player and using drugs. Is it true? Not a clue. We do know, however, more than one recent US president, was gay, another a pedophile and the documentation on that is not very well hidden.
Start throwing stones about sex freaks in politics or among the super-rich, and they will all “go down.”
Terrorism as politics, not rumor, not conspiracy but how its been done since the Roman Empire. Time to “get real.”
The Norway killings were also a retaliation by Israel, and this isn’t conspiracy theory. This is the reality of world politics, folks play hard in the real world. When we tell you about 9/11, we aren’t making it up, we are simply informing those intelligent to understand the world as it is what we know and what we can easily prove.
If you have a relative that is a high ranking member of the IDF, ask them about 9/11. Here is what they will say: “They asked us to help, they offered us billions, they said they would get rid of Saddam and eventually Iran as well. How could we refuse?”
Go ahead, ask the question, I know the answer.
I assure you, governments and intelligence agencies know all this very well.
The question today is simple. Should Netanyahu be allowed to plan terrorist acts, and this is exactly what we know he is doing, blackmail and more inventing things to stop the UN vote? Is this a real way of protecting Israel in the long run?
Did you elect him to do this?
Then, I suggest you consider the new map of the Middle East. I have included an article I wrote last week below. It includes some thing you won’t normally see in print, call this VT-Leaks if you will. They are meant to inform, we don’t sell anything, we don’t advertise, we don’t take money and we don’t take sides.
This “thing” with Turkey and Egypt has to be fixed. The “Palestinian problem” has to go away.
We know that Netanyahu has planned to arrange acts of “Palestinian terrorism,’ including “shooting into crowds” to support a new attack on Gaza.
We have many good friends in Israel who rat him out.
The long solution is not simple. Relations with Iran have to stabilize, the war of idiocy with the Saudi’s has to end, it is going nowhere. Apologize to Turkey. Israel is wrong over the Mavi Marmara issue. Also apologize to the families and survivors of the USS Liberty.
Because it is the smart thing to do. Figure it out. For a nation filled with Nobel Prize winners, I see alot of bad decision making.
The Palestinian situation is a painful one and should, however, be tied to a wider regional solution with trade offs involving an oil pipeline from Iraq. If you can’t figure out how to pull that one off and the financial return, I can’t help you.
Pakistan is also ready to make concessions on economic development with Israel.
Cut the deal, take the money, open Gaza, make peace, open negotiations with Hizbollah through Iran and continue playing everyone else off as you always have.
Everyone else does it anyway and nobody expects any different.
The problems with Egypt will then disappear.
What will it give Israel? Real security. It will also supply real jobs, rebuild Israel’s middle class and provide a real future.
It will also remove the United States from the Middle East.