Israeli Mossad establishing Trinidad & Tobago base *LINK*

BY: Trinidad and Tobago News Forum

Israeli Mossad recognises assassination of Hamas leaders abroad ...

Israeli Mossad establishing Trinidad & Tobago base against Venezuela

Bob Chapman writes: We reported on the large contingent of Israelis and Mossad personnel in Colombia a couple of months ago … they are there in the thousands.

Now we find them popping up in Trinidad & Tobago, which is prosperous due to oil and gas production and processing.

It is also used by the Israeli Mafia for transshipping drugs.

We are beginning to see bombings occur and authorities have arrested Dahtangmik Agaronov.

The drug operation is run by Sergey Mikhail and Yuri Robolaevich … their organization includes 5,000 criminals in Colombia, Moscow and Trinidad & Tobago who not only move cocaine and marijuana, but weapons as well.

They smuggle many items and engage in extortion.

Our sources tell us they are about to establish, on behalf of George and the neocons and Israel, a base for “revolutionaries,” that is mercenaries, against Venezuela and its President Hugo Chavez Frias … we’ll keep you updated.

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