I$raHell quick to protect its Sub-Saharan African interests

 History, diplomacy and hard-eyed economics mean Israel’s involvement in attempts to end the Nairobi mall siege come as no surprise. Only 3,700 kilometres from Tel Aviv, Nairobi maintain ones of the strongest business, intelligence and military relationships with Israel of any nation in the region. “Kenya is one of the most important countries for Israel in all Africa,” said Alon Liel, a former Israeli ambassador to South Africa. “There are significant historical and economic ties between them, and I would put its importance close to Egypt and Nigeria.”Those relations have even grown stronger than ties with South Africa, once a staunch ally of Israel that has increasingly become a critic of its policies towards Palestinians. [[[[And the Westgate is partially owned by Israelis,]]]] making it a target for Al Shabab Islamist militants from neighbouring Somalia. After the Mombasa attacks, the Israeli military immediately sent three Hercules aircraft to evacuate dozens of Israelis from Mombasa. The speed of Israel’s reported involvement after Saturday’s mall attack suggests its interests and ties with Kenya appear as robust as ever. And so too, it would seem, is its willingness and opportunity to shore them up when necessary.
  [ed notes:its president claimed it lost relatives in mall himself..wondering why they had no escorts or security…but hey am i suggesting another false flag by israhell and kenya pres?well yes i am!!!

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