‘Israel’ pimps create apartheid alternative to Facebook

Israel pimps create apartheid alternative to Facebook

24th September 2013  HomeIsraelQuickPressOur Voice

Not content with their racist ghetto in the Middle East, where the presence of apartheid kindergartensapartheid hitchhiking and apartheid dating would not raise an eyebrow, Israel’s pimps in the former Soviet Union are poised to create an apartheid competitor to Facebook.

According to the Israeli news website Ynet, Russian-speaking Jews in Ukraine have launched an apartheid social networking site called Jewishnet.ru, which is currently in the alpha stage.

The site, Ynet says, “aims to preventing [sic] assimilation and stimulate Jewish self-education as well as to connect fast-assimilating Jews across the Russian-speaking world”.

The “brains” behind the apartheid cyberspace ghetto are two Israel pimps, Roman Gold and Igor Kozlovskiy, who say that one of the site’s main objectives is to strengthen Jewish identity by countering negative stereotypes of Israel and combating intermarriages and the conversion of Jews to other religions.

“We have supported the organization and mass media coverage of more than 30 successful conferences in Israel, Ukraine, Russia, Belorussia and the USA,” Kozlovskiy says, adding: “We have also held over 10 rallies in support of the state of Israel around the world gathering more than 500 people.”

The apartheid social networking site is supported by a rogues’ gallery of Israel pimps  from Ukraine and Russia, including Ukraine-born Jewish Agency Chairman Anatoly “Natan” Sharansky; Ukrainian Chief Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich; Dnepropetrovsk Region Chief Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky; Moscow Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt; and musician Kenny G.

Apartheid is not only alive and kicking in the racist state of Israel, but, it seems, also in the minds of a significant number of Jews.


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