I$raHell Kills Unborn Child In Pregnant Woman’s Belly (GRAPHIC)




There are only so many ways to say this … the Israeli government is responsible for war crimes against humanity.  The American government hands over $3.2 billion a year in handouts from the American taxpayer because the Israeli government has some very wealthy friends who donate millions to the politicians who blindly support Israel’s interests even when they conflict with our own.

And for that $3.2 billion a year in welfare – not only do we get nothing … we’re now accomplices to grave war crimes.

I can’t share this tremendously graphic picture without potentially violating the terms and conditions of our Google advertising but I can link it.  Do not open this link unless you have a very strong stomach and are able to see the truth for what it is.  We are not responsible for your reaction to the picture which you can see HERE.

This is breaking news and unverified as to the details but it comes via Hamde Abu Rahma – a very well respected photographer based in Bil’in, Palestine; some of the details via Facebook HERE (as long as the link will stay up):

Im sorry for this painful picture ,but the truth is painful some time .  this pic show how The Israeli Soldiers Are Targeting Pregnant Women As You Can See The Mothers Womb Was Directly Targeted Resulting In Her Being Killed As Well As The Unborn Baby’s Head Being Penetrated Killing Them Both Instantly. but after many asked me to delete this pic after 2 mints i did because its so painful and i respect all of you ,then so many people asked me to post it again because the world must see the truth and i think this is right people must see what’s happened to this little girl before even she get born . did you asked your self how the people in Gaza feel when they see those pics in real ? how the children feel when they see their brother and sister killed front of their eyes ? and in the same time we hear the Israeli Generals says that No Civilians in Gaza the children are guilty and deserve to die and no law in this world to stop those criminals ..

It’s clear in the picture that the child was shot while in the womb and the mother’s belly was targeted.  For those who don’t know – there is a popular t-shirt that is sold that depicts this very act … 1 shot, 2 kills.  You’ll see that this shirt sold in Israel highlights the benefits of shooting a pregnant Palestinian.

And when you read the constant, knee-jerk defense of these war crimes – just remember that not only does the Israeli government own our political system via lobbying and donations but they also spend millions to promote pro-Israel propaganda on social media.  In Israel – they even give free scholarships to students who are willing to spread government talking points (source).

I could tell you a lot of things.  I could share example after example of Palestinian children being murdered by the Israeli government including the 400+ in the past 4 weeks (source).  I could say Israel is an apartheid state engaged in ethnic cleansing and war crimes (source).  I could say that the international community stands against it with the lone exception of the United States (source).  I could say that Israel has devolved into a fascist society who actively celebrate the murder of Palestinians or as it is known in Israel … “mowing the lawn” (source).

I could say a million things but instead I’ll just let you come to your own conclusions with things we’ve written beforeHERE.

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