IsraHell and the ‘Jewish Spring’


by rehmat1

While the Zionist-controlled media is bending backward to cover Israel’s failed regime change in Norway and the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ being ushered by mass protests in Egypt, Syria, Tunis, Bahrain, Yemen and Libya – there is no mention of mass protests being held in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Tens of thousands of protesters have taken to streets in response to Benji Netanyahu’s economic policies which has helped to increase disparity among Jewish citizens.

Various studies show it, including the latest ones saying 1.77 million (out of total Jewish population of 4.7 million) Israelis are poor. About 850,000 children live in poverty. As a result, 75% of those affected miss meals, a 21% increase from 2009. Moreover, 83% of poor children lack proper dental care, most getting none. Some beg for money. Others steal to eat.

These figures put Zionist entity worse than the war-torn third world African nation of Somalia – where according to a report by the UN published last month, one in three children in South Somalia suffers from malnutrition. While Somalian are living under western war and sanctions – Israeli Jews receive 46% of total annual USAID plus $3 billion annual military aid.

Last Saturday, 40,000 mainly young people marched from the tent city on Rothschild Boulevard towards the Tel Aviv Museum in the biggest political rally seen in years. They chanted slogans such as “Proper housing, Legitimate prices”, “The power is with the citizen”, and “This generation demands housing”. Some of the marchers demanded Netanyahu’s resignation.

Since the 1993 Oslo Accords, successive governments—Labour, Likud or Kadima—encouraged Israelis to move to the settlements in the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights, rather than build in Israel. This led to a shortage of new affordable housing in the outlying areas and an increase in prices and rent. The recent property bubble has seen house prices in the prime areas rocket.

Within the Tel Aviv area, only three percent of the construction over the last decade was public housing. Not one public housing unit was built between 2006 and 2009.

Such was the scale of support for the protests that Netanyahu was forced to cancel his visit to Poland earlier this week. On Tuesday, Netanyahu was forced to acknowledge that the protests were “justified” and to promise reforms and housing construction to help young marrieds, military veterans, students and the homeless.

The protests are fuelled by the desperate situation facing millions of Israelis, while social inequality has reached unprecedented levels. The Jerusalem Postcalled the housing protest just a “drop in the sea of injustices” that also included rising food prices, the cost of living and the minimum wage. A recent report published by Adva, “Israel in a nutshell”, confirms that this crisis is systemic.

Israel is a predominantly low-wage economy, with 75 percent of workers earning $1,700 or less a month. Wages have fallen from 68 percent of national income in 2000 to 63 percent in 2010. This is equivalent to the loss of NIS 976 a month.

Sixteen of the world’s billionaires are Israelis who control Israel’s economy and have major stocks in the Wall Street. The top executives in the 25 largest corporations were paid more than 90 times the average wage in 2010.

Israel’s Palestinians are worse off still. Urban Israeli Palestinians earn about 30 percent less than their Mizrahi and 50 percent less their Ashkenazi counterparts. The Bedouins in the south are even worse off, particularly those living in the so-called “unrecognized” villages that have no access roads, no municipal infrastructure, and no governmental services like education.

The ultra-orthodox Jews, the Haredim, have the highest rate of poverty, largely because so few work, living off state subsidies for those enrolled in religious educational institutions. Other impoverished groups include immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia, who number about 100,000.

Finally, there are 300,000 migrant workers brought in to replace Palestinian labour—Filipino females caring for the elderly, Chinese and Romanians working in construction, and Africans working in the hospitality sector. Government inspectors turn a blind eye to unscrupulous employers who ignore Israel’s minimal labour laws.

It looks like the Rothschild Boulevard will soon be renamed ‘Tahrir Square‘.

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