By Sajjad Shaukat
Much has been written and said by writers and analysts of print and electronic media about the
coordinated terror attacks in a stadium, a hall, restaurants and bars across Paris which left more
than 130 innocent persons dead and more than 350 injured, on the night of November 13. The
opinion of Christians, Jews and Muslims is divided, while elaborating the Paris tragedy in
accordance with their own peculiar religious background. Prejudice is ruining so high against
one another that by reading the name, some people of the opposite side ignore his views. Despite
it, fact remains that we are living in a world of Zionist-controlled media which is very strong and
whatever it release by concealing truth and propagating Israeli interests as part of the
disinformation, impress the politicians and general masses in the whole world.
In this regard, scholars of international affairs agree that “foreign affairs are too foreign” to the
citizens of a country. Renowned scholar Prof. Hoslti opines that “issues and situations” have
“influence on public opinion” which in turn “influences the objectives and actions.”
In fact, fault can not be laid on the general masses, a majority of whom does not have much time
to go in-depth. Hence, they are swayed by emotions, stereotypes and prejudices created by the
political leaders who keep on manipulating any crisis for their own self-interests with the sole
aim of getting their sympathies to increase their vote bank. There are equal strong pressures from
religious and nationalist forces in wake of global war on terror which is dividing the world on
Judging in these terms, like the 9/11 tragedy, politicians are again misguiding the general public
against the Islamic World by exploiting the critical situation, after the Paris disaster which needs
appropriate analysis to know, is Israel behind the Paris attacks?
Prosecutors pointed out that there were seven attackers killed in total, working as part of three
multinational teams with links to the Middle East, Belgium and possibly Germany as well as
In its video message, titled, “A Statement on the Blessed Onslaught in Paris against the Crusader
Nation of France,” Islamic State group (Daesh or ISIS/ISIL) claimed responsibility for the Paris
carnage. The man who appears to speak with an American accent, said, “The soldiers of the
Caliphate set out targeting the capital of prostitution and vice, the lead carrier of the cross in
Europe…Paris…to teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the
top of Islamic State’s list of targets.”
French President Francois Hollande who declared emergency in the country, said, “It is an act of
war that was committed by a terrorist army, a jihadist army, Daesh against France…France
would act with “all the necessary means, and on all terrains, inside and outside, in coordination
with our allies, who are, themselves, targeted by this terrorist threat.”
As a matter of fact, the US President Barrack Obama, the neoconservatives and the Zionist-
lobbies who have been backing the ‘different war’ for a greater Israel, at cost of the Muslim
World and the loyalist Americans were badly frustrated by the recent developments such as
Russian airstrikes on the ISIS strongholds in the northern Syria and Israeli-occupied Golan
Heights, its coalition with Iran, Iraq and Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad, retreat of
the CIA-supported rebels and mercenaries after their failure to topple his government, proving
links of Al-Qaeda and ISIS with America and Israeli, Putin’s clear-cut statement, indicating the
Zionist regime in the US and Israel for their “phony war on ISIS”, and remarking, “NWO (New
Word Order) agents and Satan worshipers simply have no clothes,” including the Vienna
meeting where the US Secretary of State John Kerry agreed to keep the Syrian president in
power, not to allow ISIS militants group to reign in Syria, absence of Israel in the meeting and
America’s decision of sending 50 special forces to Syria to help in taking down ISIS terrorists
had clearly exposed the covert aims of the US global war on terror.
Besides, other developments such as decision of the Canadian-nominated new prime minister
Justin Trudeau to withdraw Canadian fighter jets from the US-led mission against ISIS, British
Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement to abandon plans to carry out airstrikes against
ISIS positions in Syria, after his failure to receive support from Labour MPs, reluctance of
NATO countries to support America’s fake global war on terror and double game of striking the
ISIS activists, acceptance of Syrian refuges by the European countries, especially Germany, the
EU rule to boycott goods produced in Israeli settlements on the West Bank, including US
internal problems like curtailment of liberties, failure of the of Obamacare, leakage of
Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), (An agreement to suppress sovereign democratic
rights in favour of multinational corporations), criticism of Hilary Clinton about contributions of
election-campaign from Wall Street backers etc. have disappointed the Obama Administration.
While elections are near, Republicans and American public are also criticizing the government of
Democrats and CIA for America’s (NATO) longest war in Afghanistan, facing defeatism,
useless proxy wars under the cover of global war on terror and US heavy cost of war which
caused serious financial crisis, adding to the dilemmas of Americans.
By continuing the secret strategy of his predecessor—occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq,
Obama-led Administration went on with various techniques of ruthless terror and extrajudicial
killings of the innocent persons—assisting undemocratic forces, toppling the elected government
in Egypt, and like Iraq, creation of more failed states such as Libya, Syria, Yemen etc., opening
the doors for Al-Qaeda and ISIS militants, throwing the Middle East in an era of chaos and
covert assistance to Tel Aviv’s systematic genocide of the Palestinians to obtain the Zionist goal
of establishing Israel’s supremacy in the Middle East in particular and the world in general.
Now, it was proved that under that the mask of the 9/11 mayhem, the US had orchestrated the
drama of global war on terror which was exposed. In this context, frustrated Israeli Prime
Minister Netanyahu also evolved a new theory of the Holocaust to get the sympathies of the US-
led western entities by revealing, “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews, he wanted to expel
the Jews…a World War II-era Palestinian leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Nazi sympathizer, Haj
Amin al-Husseini convinced Hitler to adopt their final solution to exterminate Jews.”
It is of particular attention that on January 7, 2015, two Islamic militants attacked the office of
French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, and killed 13 people on January 9,
2015, two brothers namely Said and Cherif Kouachi suspected for the incident were killed in a
shoot out with Police—in a hostage-taking situation, at a signage company in Dammartinen-
Goele where some people were also targeted. Thus, the gunmen killed total 17 persons. In this
context, on January 11, 2015, a rally was organized in Paris—with an estimated 1.6 million
people in which 40 world leaders including Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu participated to
express solidarity with the magazine. Afterwards, the Israeli secret agency Mossad’s connections
with Charlie Hebdo incident had been proved by many serious writers, analysts and social media
bloggers—a video titled “Did Mossad Do Charlie Hebdo” prepared/uploaded by is worth-watching. In fact, besides creating differences
between Christians and Muslims, Zionist groups and Mossad used the episode to punish France
on recognizing Palestinian state and to desist other EU countries to avoid such approach on
However, in order to revive the global war on terror, the neo-conservatives, Zionists and Israel
needed the assistance of the whole Europe. For the purpose, conspiracy was definitely prepared
and the leading role was played by Mossad. In this respect, arrest of Israeli Col. Shahak in Iraq,
his admission, proving links of Al-Qaeda and ISIS with America and Israel (Mossad) and
medical treatment of the ISIS warriors in the Israeli hospitals (Disclosed by online sources)
might be cited as example. ISIS which was already being assisted by the CIA and Mossad was
directed to send its militants in Paris.
As regards terrorism, Machiavelli advises the rulers to have a lion-like image outwardly, and act
upon the traits of goat inwardly. He also suggests them foreign adventures and the use of terror
to obtain their goals. In his sense, a good ruler should be a good opportunist and hypocrite. While
echoing Machiavelli, Morgenthau points out that sometimes, rulers act upon immoral activities
like deceit, fraud, falsehood and even murder to fulfill their selfish aims.
Nevertheless, Israel was behind Paris terror attacks to achieve multiple-objectives (Including
geopolitical interests) of Tel Aviv and Obama Administration against the Islamic World and
Russia, without bothering for the fact that further instability in the world will jeopardize the
economic interests of the US at cost of the patriot Americans.
It is requested to the European rulers and leaders, particularly those of the France to learn a
positive lesson from the 9/11 tragedy, and its drastic aftermath, and not to create similar
chauvinism by instigating ‘emotionalism’ among the peoples of Europe, which was infuriated by
the then President Bush and Zionist-controlled media. Latest reports indicate that like the
aftermath of the 9/11 disaster, persecution of the Muslims have started and some westerners have
also targeted the mosques. Europe has been put on high alert and Paris attacks are being taken as
assaults on the whole continent. At this critical juncture, the leaders of Europe and especially of
France including their media require cool-mindedness and patience to know the real plot behind
Paris tragedy, and to avoid ‘clash of civilizations,” while the world has already been radicalized