Something is in the wind which may lead to major consequences for Zionism in the U.S., Canada, and western Europe. The Washington Post reports: “Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday that the Palestinians are resolved to go ahead with their bid for recognition of statehood at the United Nations this month despite warnings from U.S. officials that the move could lead to a confrontation with Washington. Even if a last-minute formula for resuming peace talks were found before then, the Palestinians would go to the United Nations and then negotiate with Israel as a state under occupation, Abbas said.”
“’No . . . I don’t think it’s workable,’ he said of efforts by international mediators to come up with a diplomatic package to head off the U.N. bid. ‘They came too late.’”
The big thing that the Palestinians have been pushing since 1967 is what’s called the “two-state solution.” Israel withdraws from the land they stole in 1967, including East Jerusalem, and two separate states are established on that strip of territory in the Eastern Mediterranean, which by the way, is roughly the size of New Jersey. We’re talking about cutting a postage stamp in half, at best, and jamming about ten million people all told into that territory.
The Israelis have “responded” (if that is the word) by ignoring every attempt on the part of the Palestinians and the rest of the world to negotiate a peace treaty and by attempting to drive all non-Jews out of the area. This is known in Israeli parlance as “transfer.”
The Israelis have settled hundreds of thousands of Jews on Palestinian land, stolen all the water for the settlers’ swimming pools, destroyed centuries-old Palestinian olive groves, set up checkpoints everywhere, surrounded Palestinian cities with concrete berms and barbed wire and built a wall that cuts the West Bank in half leaving all the good land and resources on the Israel side. Basically Israel put an entire nation of people into prison, and slaughtered a couple of hundred thousand of their captives since 1967.
Funny how the Zionists could get away this with scarcely a peep of protest from the supposedly big-hearted liberals (although the liberals in Europe have protested a lot more than the liberals in the US).
The Jews have turned the Gaza Strip into the world’s largest prison. The Jews have jailed and tortured and killed anyone who protests, including a girl from Olympia, WA named Rachel Corrie who was run over and crushed to death by a bulldozer driven by an Israeli who was destroying the homes of Palestinians. Most recently, nine Turkish civilians on a relief ship that was part of a “peace flotilla” were murdered by Israelis. The list of atrocities goes on and on, but the Jews always have an excuse for why they didn’t let the UN look for bodies after the massacre at Jenin or any of their other atrocities. I wonder what the Israeli excuse is for selling the organs of murdered Palestinians to Black Market profiteers.
This attempt coming up at the UN is the last gasp of the “two state solution,” an exercise it might seem in wishful thinking, but maybe not as much as one might first believe.
If Palestine can gain official recognition as an actual nation under occupation, in the long run that will be a game-changer. You see, the world and the wealthy men who run it, are finally starting to understand that Israel is a dangerous luxury they can no longer afford. Now that Iran and Pakistan have gone nuclear, and now that the old reliable Western puppets like Mubarak and Ghaddafi and Ben Ali are gone, the price of maintaining that little Jewish colony on the eastern Mediterranean may well become sufficiently high so that the rich men in expensive suits no longer desire to maintain it, no matter how much their Jewish colleagues scream and threaten.
Back during the Cold War, Israel used to boast about being “America’s aircraft carrier in the Middle East.” Since the realignment caused by the fall of Communism, Israel no longer serves that purpose (as if they ever did. If WW3 broke out, Israel would have declared itself neutral. The US “alliance” with Israel has always been a one-way street that only benefits Israel).
It seems like Israel has lost much of its influence over Europe. With the rising importance of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, perhaps many politicians in the Western World are happy with the notion of finally getting a chance to throw petulant little Israel under the bus.
The great logjam over there may be about to break. Let’s see if the Palestinians stick to their guns and refuse to be sweet-talked, threatened or bribed out of becoming a UN-recognized state.