Iran: The Aggressor or the Aggressed Upon?


Posted by Stephen Sniegoski
Iran: The Aggressor or the Aggressed Upon?The fact of the matter is Iran has neither a nuclear bomb nor an actual nuclear weapons program.

American Establishment Combats Resurgent ‘Isolationist’ Threat

American Establishment Combats Resurgent ‘Isolationist’ ThreatWith communism gone, the conservative coalition should have fractured long ago. This was delayed by Sept. 11 and the rise of radical Islam. But now, 12 years into that era — after Afghanistan and Iraq, after drone wars and the NSA revelations — the natural tension between isolationist and internationalist tendencies has resurfaced.

The Ukrainian Crisis: The United States, Russia, and Israel

The Ukrainian Crisis: The United States, Russia, and IsraelSo while the United States will suffer, along with the other countries involved in the Ukrainian crisis, Israel’s situation will have improved both in terms of a harder position by the United States toward Israel’s major enemy, Iran, and better relations with Russia.

Neocons, Selective Democracy, and the Egyptian Military Coup

Neocons, Selective Democracy, and the Egyptian Military CoupCiting influential analyst Jim Lobe, Sniegoski emphasizes that It is not democracy but rather “protecting Israeli security and preserving its military superiority over any and all possible regional challenges” that is “a core neoconservative tenet.”

The Hagel Nomination, Israel, and the Neocons

The Hagel Nomination, Israel, and the NeoconsThe neoconservatives have been in the forefront in attacking Hagel while AIPAC has stayed in the background. Should the neocons ultimately stop Hagel, it would be an amazing success. A perceived enemy of Israeli interests would be defeated without any negative political ramifications for Israel or the Israel lobby

Obama’s Purpose for Picking Chuck Hagel

Obama’s Purpose for Picking Chuck HagelA major issue in Washington pertaining to foreign policy and national security affairs is the fight over President Obama’s nomination of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense. Why is it so important?

Norman Finkelstein and Neocon Denial

Norman Finkelstein and Neocon DenialDespite denying that neocons had an effect on US Middle East policy, Finkelstein does grant that “Jewish neocons pushed long and hard for an attack on Iraq.”

Saudi Arabia: The Neocons’ Once and Future Target

Saudi Arabia: The Neocons’ Once and Future TargetShiites in the Gulf have already become enraged against the Saudis, so this element could serve as an invaluable propaganda instrument to intensify anti-Saudi feeling in the West in order to bring down Israel’s final powerful adversary, whose very existence precludes Israel’s achievement of total regional hegemony.

The Yinon Thesis Vindicated: Neocons, Israel, and the Fragmentation of Syria

The Yinon Thesis Vindicated: Neocons, Israel, and the Fragmentation of SyriaAmerica’s removal of Saddam in a war spearheaded by the pro-Israel neoconservatives served to intensify Sunni-Shiite regional hostility and, in a sense, got the destabilization ball rolling. Iran is targeted now, and Israel and its neocon supporters seek to make use of dissatisfied internal elements, political and ethnic—the radical MEK, democratic secularists, monarchists, Kurds, Arabs, Baluchis, and Azeris— to bring down the Islamic regime.

Would Romney Pursue a Neocon War Agenda?

Would Romney Pursue a Neocon War Agenda?Romney is noted for his “flip-flops” on issues depending on the audience. He is currently surrounding himself with neocon foreign policy advisors. But would he follow such a policy as president?

Washington Is Worth a War: Obama, Iran, and the Israel Lobby

Washington Is Worth a War:  Obama, Iran, and the Israel LobbyWright notes that “There are things Obama could do to greatly increase the chances of a negotiated solution to the Iranian nuclear problem, but he seems to have decided that doing them would bring political blowback that would reduce his chances of re-election.”   By Stephen J. Sniegoski   When, in 1593, Henry of Navarre […]

Has US Support for Israel Reached a Tipping Point?

Has US Support for Israel Reached a Tipping Point?That support for Israel continues to reign supreme in the US Congress, as Giraldi acknowledges, would seem to illustrate that the American populace is not sufficiently concerned about the issue as to make it politically significant.

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