Iran talks about new wonders … Party B, Saddam Hussein and ‘Israel’

Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, Ali Shamkhani, attacked the German government for its decision to ban the Lebanese “Hezbollah”.

Shamkhani said in a tweet to him on Twitter: “He unveiled one of the new wonders. What is surprising is that the vendors of Saddam’s chemical weapons, which caused collective massacres, today defend human rights and have classified the heroes of Hezbollah among their terrorist list. The terrorist ISIS did not reach Europe because it met an unprecedented resistance. “

He added, “ISIS did not reach Europe because it was unable to pass the resistance wall, and how good it is for today to unveil the main aspects of terrorism supporters.”

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, has condemned the German government’s decision to consider the Lebanese “Hezbollah” a “terrorist organization”.

Mousavi said that the German decision comes in the context of the goals of the Zionist entity and America, warning the German government not to bear the negative repercussions of its decision to combat the real terrorist groups.

The first Iranian comment on Germany’s decision to classify Hezbollah as a terrorist organization

Damascus: Berlin’s decision regarding Hezbollah is unjust and a medal of honor

And the German Ministry of the Interior announced last Thursday that it had taken a decision to ban the Lebanese “Hezbollah” on its soil and classify it as a “terrorist organization”, while German police raided the same day to arrest people belonging to the party, which has become banned according to German laws.

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