The Islamic Republic of Iran rejected an AmeIran USrican deal that cancels the economic sanctions and acknowledges the Iranian nuclear rights in return of abandoning its support to Syria.
Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said indirectly transmitted the headlines of the deal to the Iranian leadership during his recent meeting with Imam Sayyed Ali Khameni who asserted that any Western strike against Syria would be faced by an uncontrollable storm of military responses.
Filtman: Western Strike against Syria Will Be on Sunday
The UN official, Jeffery Filtman, further stressed during his recent visit to Tehran that the American military strike against Syria aims mainly at forcing the Syrian government to attend Geneva II conference, not at eradicating Assad’s regime.
It was noteworthy that Filtman set next Sunday as the due date of the “limited” strike.
In response, the Iranian leadership rejected the deal and considered that the Iranian support to Syria cannot be swapped with any other issue.
The Iranian leaders also underlined none can guarantee that the counter-attack to the military strike will be limited, deeming the western action against Syria would endanger and destabilize the whole region.