Interview with Mark Glenn
The following is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: How does it serve Tel Aviv’s interests to have war in the region?
Glenn: It is not just war; it is the destruction of Iran as well. Even if Iran did not have a nuclear “weapons” program — I am sorry did not have a nuclear program — and the proof was irrefutable that Iran was not developing any kinds of weapon that could threaten Israel, Israel would still be calling for Iran’s destruction because Iran is the only stable country in the Middle East and has achieved that stability without being tied to America and Israel, as opposed to the other countries in the region who are completely dependent upon America and Israel for money and for military supplies.
So in keeping the countries surrounding Israel in a state of instability and chaos whether it is through war, whether it is through these revelations that we have seen taking place now in the last few years and then having Israel sit in the midst of all of this, stable and basically an island of prosperity in Western outpost, this only strengthens Israel.
So it is in the Israel’s interests obviously to keep the other Arab countries divided and squabbling and chaotic and unstable because that is the only kind of environment that she can exist in.
Press TV: But then interestingly, these divided and destructive Arab countries that you speak of, those are some of the Arab countries that in fact do not support a deal with Iran either. What of those countries? Why aren’t they onboard with this deal?
Glenn: Because if the United States is eventually pushed out of the region and along with the United States being pushed out, American money and American political influence and American military power, then these countries are going to fall, especially countries such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Jordan and these other countries that have oppressed their people, the only way that these regimes are able to stay in power is because America is in the region, supplying those regimes with money and with military power and with political support.
So at the end of the day, these countries have a vested interest also in making sure that Iran does not become the powerhouse of the Middle East because if Iran becomes the powerhouse of the Middle East and then alongside her, she has assistance from Russia and from some of the other world players who are very much standing up against this New World Order, then these regimes are going to fall as well.
And so it is for that reason that they have to make sure that somehow someway Iran is reduced to some type of manageable state and typically what they would like to see is to see Iran fragmented and divided and squabbling just like the other rest of the countries in the region are.