Injuries among the “12” prisoners in “Ofer” Nazi camp

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

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Nazi Ramallah: The Prisoners Club reported that a number of prisoners were injured as a result of the repression they were subjected to, by the special units, in the “Ofer” Nazi camp yesterday.

The club declared, in a statement today, that Nazi “Special units of the Occupation Administration stormed yesterday, Section 12 of Ofer Prisons, and assaulted the prisoners, and the nature of the injuries has not been known yet.”

The club said that the occupation transferred 4 prisoners from the oath to the investigation. They are: Rabee ‘Asfour, Muhammad Salama Dar Sulaiman, Fuad Dar Khalil and Omar Al-Khaseeb.

And he stated, “The crackdown was carried out after the Camp administration claimed that the prisoner Rabih Asfour from the town of Singel encountered a prisoner and injured him.”

The Nazi occupation also transferred 38 of the prisoners of the oath to the Negev Nazi Camp, Rimon, Nafha, and the two detainees, Ayalon and Ayla. The rest of the prisoners were distributed to other sections of the Camp.

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Nazi army arrested two editors and a mayor


Nazi Occupied West Bank: The Nazi occupation forces arrested 15 Palestinians from separate parts of the occupied West Bank.

In northern Hebron, the Nazi occupation forces stormed the town of Beit Kahil , and arrested its mayor, Mu’in Muhammad Zuhur, after they raided and searched his house.

The Nazi occupation forces also arrested four Palestinians from the town of Beit Ummar, they are: “The released prisoner Ali Issa Awad (30 years), Abdullah Issa Hassan Abu Hashem (19 years), Ahmed Yousef Hassan Alqam (17 years), and Mahdi Ibrahim Abu Mariya (16” Years). “

The Nazi occupation forces also installed military checkpoints at the entrances to Al-Fawar camp and the towns of Idhna and Al-Dhahirah , and raided a number of residents ’homes in the southern area of ​​Hebron.

From the north of the West Bank, the Nazi occupation forces arrested three young men from Jenin refugee camp, one from Gilgamous village, east of the governorate, and one young man from Ceres, who was an released prisoner.

According to local sources, the Nazi occupation forces arrested “Mahmoud Arafat Al Saadi, Azmi Iyad Hassania, and Muhammad Asri Fayyad” from Jenin camp after raiding and searching their relatives’ homes, which led to the outbreak of confrontations during which the soldiers fired sound bombs and metal bullets.

 Meanwhile, Khalil Muhammad Al-Qurm was arrested after they stormed the village of Jalqamus and stormed his house, and the young man, Bara Tawfiq Mahmoud, from the village of Siris, south of Jenin.

In Nablus , the Nazi occupation forces arrested two young men, one of whom was an released prisoner from Nablus.

According to local sources, the occupation forces arrested the young lawyer Salahuddin Dwaikat from the area of ​​Askar Al-Balad in the east, and the freed prisoner Saher Jabr Hamayel from the town of Beita in the south, after raiding and searching their families.

The Nazi occupation forces also arrested two Palestinians from the town of Azoun, east of Qalqilya, and they are: Mahmoud Ghanawi (40 years), and Abdel-Hadi Shabita (35 years), from the town of Azoun after raiding their homes. In addition to the editor, Hosni Fawaz Merhi, from Qarawat Bani Hassan.

In Birzeit , the Nazi occupation forces arrested a young man, Ahmed Abdel-Karim Qad (33 years old), after raiding his house.

The Nazi forces moved into Umm Al-Sharayet neighborhood in Al-Bireh city, and clashes erupted in the place.

“We Are All _ Sheikh_Aqsa” campaign of broad solidarity with Salah before his trial

The rockets are continuing .. a rocket was fired from Gaza in the “Shaar Hanegev” settlement

12 martyrs from the Nazi occupied territories and the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the year

The Lebanese judiciary defeats the torture of the prisoners of Khiam

Almost five months have passed since the arrest of the commander of the Khiyam Nazi detention center, known as “Butcher of the Tents,” Amer Elias Al-Fakhouri in Lebanon, after he tried to infiltrate his American passport. Today, contrary to what al-Fakhouri expected, the winds of the Lebanese military judiciary took place with what his ships did not desire, and all his efforts – and the successor of the American administration – to smuggle him from justice failed.

After a lot of procrastination and procrastination by Al-Fakhouri’s agents, and what he withdrew from her repeated attempts to evade attending the investigation sessions, whether in the military court in Beirut under the pretext of his health status or in the Nabatieh Palace of Justice under the pretext of his security situation, what was expected of the Lebanese eagerly, and what the agent expected.

The freed prisoners Lawyer Hassan Bazzi in a previous interview for the news site “Al-Ahd” news has become a reality, as the Lebanese judiciary today took a prominent step towards victory for all the torture of the prisoners of the Khiam prison, the martyrs and the editors, and it proved its worth in carrying a public opinion case that concerns the entire country, against a butcher whose name is associated Serve with torture The prisoners even surpassed that of their masters in the Israeli enemy army, and his hands were stained with the blood of many prisoners, and he is still keeping the secret of the disappearance of the prisoner Ali Abdullah Hamza today.

Today, the military judiciary is recording its stability against the American political and judicial pressures to remove Al-Fakhouri from his “stalemate”, which was manifested at the political level by the American defense desperate for him through clear and clear words of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and some members of the “Congress”, up to a special request that the American envoy to Lebanon David Hill when he recently visited Beirut to pardon him.

Al-Fakhouri’s agents tried to “unearth” loopholes in the Lebanese Penal Code and employ them to find a “graduation” of his case, and they worked to “pamper” him by pressing to transfer him from prison to the Hotel Dieu hospital, while he failed to attend successive investigation sessions, until the cases brought against him were transferred to a judge The investigation of Nabatiyeh to the first investigating judge in Beirut, to the extent that the client submitted a review with the aim of stopping Judge Najat Abu Shakra’s hand from following his file, and replacing it with another judge, but this last request was quickly rejected by the Criminal Court of Cassation – Sixth Chamber headed by Judge Joseph Samaha .

In parallel, the efforts of the agents of the released prisoners from the Khiam detention center over the past months have resulted in a direct indictment against the Israeli agent. These did not tire and did not spare an effort to fill all the legal loopholes that allowed al-Fakhouri’s release. Lawyers Maan Al-Asaad and Hassan Bazzi, along with them the president of the Lebanese Association of Prisoners and Editors, Ahmed Talib, and behind them thousands of prisoners, did not execute a means for that. Al-Fakhouri, according to the Ten-Time Law on his crimes, rushed to file new cases against him that did not fall due to time, such as his responsibility for the disappearance of the prisoner Hamza, whose fate remains unknown until today, which allowed the extension of his detention period.

The content of the indictment

Today, the Military Investigating Judge in Beirut, Najat Abu Shakra, issued her indictment against Al-Fakhouri, based on Articles 273 and 278 of the Penal Code relating to the crime of dealing with the Israeli enemy, Article 285 regarding entering the occupied Palestinian territories and concluding commercial deals with the enemy, and Article 549 related to the charge of premeditated murder And accused him of committing murders, attempting to kill detainees inside the Khiyam prison and kidnapping and torturing others, the punishment of which amounts to the death penalty, while the trial for the charge of enlisting and dealing with the Israeli occupation army prevented him to include these crimes in the law of the passage of time, and referred the Wrap the permanent military court for trial, pending the Lebanese judiciary completed its course in this case until the conviction of his crimes Fakhouri, leading to the death penalty, to be a lesson, so as not to be the employment point of view.

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