The Global Future Institute (GFI) statement related to current situation in Syria 
Base of thinking…We, the Global Future Institute, have closely observed the latest developments and potential threats that might befall the Syrians due to the bloodshed between citizens in the country. Syria has been experiencing a year of bloodshed for being triggered by the movement to oust President Bashar al-Assad with the active support of the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).So the escalation of the armed conflict has the potential to lead to the national disintegration and horizontal conflicts between the Syrians, both the pro-and anti-government President Bashar al-Assad’s groups.
[[[[GFI has also deplored the persistence of terror under the guise of the armed resistance of the civilian militias waged against the government of President Assad, and ignoring calls for a ceasefire since April 2012.]]]]]]]Responding to the development of the current situation and continuing bloodshed without a peaceful solution for crisis in Syria, GFI hereby declares as follows:
1. Strongly denouncing and condemning any measures taken by the United States in twisting facts and distorting the reality happening in Syria. Whether through media broadcasts which become the mouthpiece of government in Washington, and any disinformation spread by the mainstream media in the United States through print, electronic and cyber media.
2. Strongly denouncing and opposing any efforts and diplomatic pressures exerted by
Washington to Indonesia, in order that Indonesia supports military intervention launched by the United States.
3. GFI urges the Indonesian government to strongly oppose U.S. and NATO military intervention into Syria in addition to condemning Washington and its allies in NATO through their military preparations for military intervention into Syria.
4. Related to the three points above, GFI urges the Indonesian government to initiate diplomatic efforts through government to government channels and people to people ones, facilitated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to find a peaceful solution so that Syria will get out of the crisis being experienced now.
5. That Indonesia takes a constructive attitude and stance in addressing the crisis in Syria, it is worth considering the constructive attitude and stance taken by the countries which are members of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China).In regard with the four GFI statements above, hereby GFI feels the need to remind the government of Indonesia if it takes a stance supporting the U.S. military intervention into Syria.The bad consequences that will befall Indonesia if it supports U.S. initiative on Syria intervention are as follows:1. Will reduce the authority, credibility and reputation of Indonesia as a PEACE MAKER.2. Worsening relations between Indonesia and the countries being the members of BRIC (Brazil, Russia,
India, and China), especially with the biggest economic partners namely China and Russia, that will be the Chairman of the G-20 to be held in Russia in the mid-2013.3. In turn, Indonesia will be fully included in the U.S. and NATO’s orbit of global influence and this is not in line with its free and active foreign policy and the fourth paragraph of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution that Indonesia’s commitment is to participate in creating world peace.Compiled by GFI Research Team:Hendrajit,M Arief Pranoto,Ferdiansyah Ali, Rusman

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