In IsraHell, ‘Having an old friend for dinner’



“Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them tremble; let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East. Personally, I don’t want to be any better than Harry Truman who snuffed out half a million Japanese with two fine bombs.”

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 1982

2012 Mark Glenn


Doubtful that anyone can forget that infamous scene in Silence of the Lambs, where FBI agent Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) listens in horror as convicted serial killer Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) describes having eaten someone’s liver ‘with fava beans and a nice chianti’…

Disquieting, for sure, but not nearly as much as what followed, when the soft-spoken Lecter switched from merely talking about that particular meal to affecting a series of slurping sounds, intimating how much he’d enjoyed it.

What made this particular scene (and indeed Lecter’s character in general) so unnerving was the clashing of polar opposites. He was not a frothing-at-the-mouth, wild-eyed, screeching, barely-human madman whose mental illness you could spot from a mile away.

Rather, he was everything you’d never expect a serial killer to be–gentle, genteel, highly-educated, polished in manners, refined in his demeanor and in total control of himself at all times. His bearing, education and position in society–serving as a veneer of sorts–cloaked the fact that he was for all intents and purposes a monster every bit as dangerous to innocent human life as any mad dog or a lion that had escaped from the local zoo.

Of course, given the ‘it can’t happen here’ attitude prevailing in the American mindset, Lecter’s disturbed and disturbing character had little lasting effect on the mental peace of the viewing audience after that 2 hour sojourn. Slightly shaken but not stirred, moviegoers were well on the road to recovery a mere few moments after the credits began rolling as they simply reminded themselves that the cannibalism they’d just seen was the product of the same Hollywood that has produced other monsters such as King Kong and the Terminator, and that no such nightmares existed in the real world…

…or so they thought.

Reality is another animal altogether however. Cannibalism—i.e. the consuming of other human beings–is very much alive and well in the 21st century, despite the fact it’s not recognized as such.

Remember—there are all sorts of ways of ‘consuming’ and ‘devouring’ others. It doesn’t necessarily have to feature a platoon of barely-clad, highly-muscular, bone-in-nose head hunters with spears and painted faces chasing a lone, terrified 2-legged meal through the jungles or forests of wherever. Mel Gibson certainly did justice to this topic in his brilliant must-see Apocalypto but so did Oliver Stone with Wall Street.

No, in the 21st century, the theme of ‘consumption’ has been subjected to all sorts of nose jobs, face lifts and tummy tucks, making it virtually unrecognizable from the raw, unbridled evil featured inSilence of the Lambs. Keeping a watchful eye on evolving trends, the practitioners of this ages-old rite in human sacrifice realized some time ago that the days of them openly engaging in their ritualistic, out-in-the-open-making-a-meal-outta-Mikey shenanigans were at an end, given the fact that schtick like this just won’t fly in today’s modern, enlightened world.


–In which case cannibalism–in ALL its forms–is not just perfectly acceptable, but made fashionable and even co-celebrated by curious Jewish-wannabe others, most notably those proudly calling themselves Christian Zionists.

It’s true that sometimes this voracious Judaic appetite to destroy and devour innocent others–historically-documented from Biblical Egypt to modern day Iraq–gets the kind of play it deserves. After all, who can forget the video footage of the ‘made men’ of La Kosher Nostra, the infamous rabbis of the ‘Kidney Mafia’ being hauled away by the FBI in cuffs a few years back for their role in the ghoulish business of organ harvesting/trafficking? And yes, once in a while a Hannibal Lecter such as Bernie Madoff gets caught and must contend with Johnny Law.

But sadly, these instances are—proportionally-speaking—too few and far between. Like a farmer whose crops are being devoured by millions of locusts, he does manage to swat a few of them to their deaths, but the millions of others simply continue on with their meal to his own personal devastation.

Likewise, today there are millions of instances where innocent people are having their livers (and just about everything else their maker saw fit to give them) ripped out of them and carved up in satisfying this peculiar cult’s ‘call of the wild’ and no one gets called to the principal’s office over it. One need look no further than what’s been done to the people of Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and everywhere else that’s become the great buffet table of Israel’s bloodfeast as proof that what mass murderer Stalin said was right—

“One death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic.”

And those responsible for all this devouring and digesting of innocent people in the various countries destroyed for Israel’s benefit–individuals with names such as Perle, Wolfowitz, Abrams, Podhoretz, Kristol et al—do they feature as characters like Lecter in Silence of the Lambs, meaning recognized as the menace to society they are and put behind strong, steely bars?

Heaven forbid. They’re as free and unstoppable as some biblical hurricane sent by some angry god who really wants a lot of people to die for reasons inexplicable to the rest of the sane world. And showing that indeed they are the remorseless, Lecteresque gluttons for human flesh and its accompanying suffering that they are, after having finished a meal such as Iraq, Gaza, Libya, or wherever, they simply belch out loud, wipe the corners of their mouths, toss the napkin on the table and walk away from it all, thinking of nothing more than who their next meal is going to be.

Those residing in the civilized world can just plain fughettabout the foolish notion that those within Mundus Judaicus will eventually come to grips en masse with the fact that theirs is a barbaric culture with strong cannibalistic trends, traditions and trajectories. Yes, we see a few wayward fish leaving the school here and there as it were, having decided they would rather live as angelfish than as piranhas, but in general, the members of the school remain united, swimming obediently in the direction that the lead shark takes them.

Yes, in general, things will remain as they are and as they have been for (literally) milleniae. When ordered to attack and devour innocent people, they will do so. When ordered to devour and despoil as their forefathers of old did, they will do so.

‘Why?’ one may ask… ‘How do we say such things with such certainty?’

Because at the end of the day, it is the nature of the beast that dictates the actions of the beast…Organized Jewish interests, which we can accurately characterize as Cannibalism, Inc., will continue to invade, destroy, despoil, and devour and will not think twice about doing it because, when all is said and done, ‘they know not what they do…’

The past is always a good indicator as to what will happen in the future, and on that note let us consider then what just recently took place in virtually every Jewish family and community throughout the world, and particularly in Israel.

The yearly celebration of Purim…

A particularly good case study of the Judaic tendency for devouring others, for sure. It—like many Old Testament-oriented feasts celebrating the death and destruction of others–is the religious version of the daily ‘2 minute’s hate’ found in George Orwell’s 1984, in which all slaves to Big Brother are forced to come together as a mentally-enslaved people and ‘lose themselves in the moment’ while cursing Goldstein, declared an enemy of the state years before—

‘In its second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy. People were leaping up and down in their places and shouting at the tops of their voices…The little sandy-haired woman had turned bright pink, and her mouth was opening and shutting like that of a landed fish. Even O’Brien’s heavy face was flushed. He was sitting very straight in his chair, his powerful chest swelling and quivering as though he were standing up to the assault of a wave. The dark-haired girl behind Winston had begun crying out ‘Swine! Swine! Swine!’ and suddenly she picked up a heavy Newspeak dictionary and flung it at the screen…

What makes this particular festival of Purim so disturbing are the overt cannibalistic overtones dominating the festivities. Besides the religiously-mandated drunkenness, Jews gather at homes and eat prepared foods made to resemble the body parts (ears, eyes, feet, internal organs–you name it, they make it) of Haman, the Persian ruler described in the book of Esther who conspired against them.  

Compare and contrast this with what Judaism’s 2 main competitors—Christianity and Islam–do at their various religious feasts. At Christmas time, Christians eat Gingerbread cookies. At Eid al Fitr, Muslims eat Kahka, cookies filled with nuts and covered with powdered sugar. They have no equivalent where they devour the symbolic body parts and organs of their enemies, because, quite simply, they—unlike their Judaic counterparts– have no tendencies or motivations celebrating revenge, despoilment and gloating over the suffering of others.

In fact, no other religion of any civilized people on the planet engages in something like this. The closest we could possibly come to finding something like this would be some of the voodoo practices found in the Caribbean or West Africa.

What’s worse about all this is that no one from within the Jewish community sees anything, well,abnormal or disturbing about it. Vered Guttman, writing for Haaretz during the week of Purim, lists her favorite recipes for that celebration and gaily writes of the “great Jewish sense of humor” in that“many of the dishes served in Purim have to do with Haman’s body parts and organs”.

And while we are on the topic of the ‘great Jewish sense of humor’, who can forget that semi-recent issue of Heeb Magazine (‘The Goy Issue’) where a cartoon strip entitled ‘How to cook a Gentile’featured prominently in that magazine’s issue, where two Jews are extolling the various recipes handed down generation after generation in preparing, cooking and eating non-Jews?

Again, an important exercise in sizing up the plusses and minuses of any topic is to compare and contrast.

We have already tried comparing and have had no success, as there is no equal to be found. Other religions trying to bring mankind closer to the better side of his nature simply DO NOT gloat over the death and destruction of ‘the other’, nor do they engage in eating their wheat-based facsimiles.

Let us then contrast…

We can JUST IMAGINE what the result would be IF anyone—as individuals, as followers of a religion or, as in the case of Israel—as a NATION—were to engage in some similar business of ‘eating Jews’.

Let us imagine for a moment a Christian religious feast celebrated yearly commemorating the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70 AD by the Roman army. Imagine Christians getting together, drinking themselves silly and then eating sweets and other delicacies made to appear as the body parts of the same Judaic elements responsible for their leader being killed and who then used every method available to destroy them as a religion and as a people. Absent that, imagine the hurricane of howling and the tsunami of screeching that would result if these Christians engaged in some sort of ritualistic celebration such as beating a piñata resembling Caiaphas, (the Jewish equivelant of Haman) who was (is) primarily responsible for sentencing Jesus Christ to death?

Or the Iranians, for that matter, who happen to be the subject of singular hatred during Purim. Imagine that today’s Iranians (the progeny of the ancient Persians) had their own version of Purim, but instead of the Jews killing 75,000 Persians, the Persians grew tired of Jewish control of their economic and political matters and thus rose up and kicked the Jews out of their country. Let us then imagine that this event is celebrated by today’s Iranians making sweets—not resembling body parts of Jews, but rather, the boats and carriages used in expelling them somewhere else.

There simply would be no end to the quality or quantity of noise resulting from such a situation…

However, typical with anything involving a people such as the Jews who have perfected the character flaw of hypocrisy to a baseness that even Satan himself can look upon with awe and amazement, when they celebrate the destruction of their enemies by eating them, no one is supposed to be bothered, no one is supposed to be concerned for what it portends and intimates. Fun & games, grins and giggles.

Now, some will doubtless say that worrying over all this is tantamount to the proverbial mountain from a molehill business. ‘Harmless fun, nothing more, don’t read too much into it’.

And this would certainly be the case except for the particular and peculiar personality quirks making Israel what she is and the Jewish people what they are.

By her history, the Jewish state has more than proven her penchant for violence, revenge, provocation, manipulation and a whole host of other unsavory qualities that make her such a danger to world peace.

She is the ONLY country in the world to have developed biological weapons that target specific races of people…She is the only one who has threatened to launch nuclear weapons against the entire planet should her precious little experiment in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East prove to be a failure.

So, in this age, where apocalyptically-minded individuals with psychopathic personalities like Hannibal Lecter have managed to amass an incalculable amount of power in terms of money, military, media and political influence and whose identity is rooted in the destruction and devouring of innocent others, you’ll forgive some of us for seeing ourselves as real life characters in an extended version of Silence of the Lambs, where Lecter has just escaped and where each of us is considered fair game in his eyes.

And on that note, let us then consider probably the most frightening theme to be touched upon in that art-imitating-life film—the ending.

Lecter has traced his nemeis, the same Dr. Chilton who ran the mental institution where he was confined to some Caribbean country…Lecter, having a last phone chat with FBI agent Clarice Starling, eyes Dr. Chilton as he steps off the plane that brought him and ends their conversation by saying–

‘I do wish we could chat longer but I’m having an old friend for dinner…’

The lesson of course being that serial killers with a mind to eating their victims will never stop. They will watch, they will plan, they will follow, and then they will execute. And they will do this while maintaining their place of importance in society, using everything that their demeanor, education, money, influence and affluence provides them.

And likewise with today’s version of Cannibalism, Inc, meaning organized Jewish interests. Like a swarm of locusts out of the Old Testament or a platoon of barely-clad, highly-muscular, bone-in-nose head hunters with spears and painted faces chasing a lone, terrified 2-legged meal through the jungles or forests of wherever, they will capture, they will kill and they will devour according to the spiritual nature that was infused into them by their mentors and minders.

And the rest of us will be the ‘old friends’ they are having for dinner…

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