If Trump launches strike, Russia is ready to respond


Russian forces and equipment moved into place in preparation for Trump’s promised strikes

Al Masdar
Russia’s heavy bombers return to Iran, presumably for Syria-related operations
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:40 A.M.) – According to media sources close to the Iranian government, Russian heavy bombers are once again permitted to operate from Iranian military airfields.
Sources say that the development comes after an agreement was reached between between Russian and Iranian high-level military-diplomatic officials. It gives Russian bombers the right to transit Iranian airspace and use at least two Iranian military airports for refueling.
Although unsaid, the development is most likely a response to recent US threats against the Syrian military – a close ally of both nations – following an alleged chemical attack in rural Damascus.
The information of development also comes after two Tu-95 and two Tu-22M heavy bombers were noted to have left their permanent base in Russia for an unknown destination.
During mid-2016, Russian Tu-22M bombers temporary used the Iranian Hamadan Airbase amid a major bombing operation against Islamic State forces in eastern Syria.
Al Masdar
Pictures: Russia ships rarely-seen military equipment to Syria amid ongoing reinforcement operation
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:25 A.M.) – Ship enthusiasts living in the Bosphorus Strait area have identified and taken pictures of a large Russian cargo ship bearing military equipment transiting from the Black Sea to the eastern Mediterranean.
The ship has been identified has the Ro-Ro Alexandr Tkachenko, a Russian government-commissioned freighter. The vessel is noted to be bound for the Syrian port city of Tartus.
Among the Alexandr Tkachenko’s visible (above-deck) cargo can be spotted a rarely-seen Project 03160 Raptor patrol boat (particularly in reference to the Syrian conflict) as well as KamAZ and Ural 4320 military logistic trucks.
Additional, more sensitive military equipment is also stored within the ship’s internal cargo bay.
The shipment is part of an ongoing reinforcement and logistical support operation being carried out by the Russian military in assistance the Syrian Armed Forces and Syrian war effort more generally speaking.

Al Masdar
Israeli warplanes increase flights along Syrian border
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:15 P.M.) – Israeli warplanes continued their flights over Lebanon, today, flying several times near the Syrian border-crossing, a Lebanese military communique confirmed this evening.
According to the communique, the Israeli warplanes were seen flying as far north as the ‘Akkar District, which borders Syria’s Homs Governorate from the south.
Previously, the Israeli Air Force used this flight path in the ‘Akkar District to bomb the T-4 Military Airport in Syria’s Homs Governorate.
However, it appears the Israeli warplanes were not planning to bomb Syria, but rather, carry out reconnaissance missions along one of Hezbollah’s alleged supply routes.

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