I do regret the death of Nazi Arial Sharon



I really do regret the death of Arial Sharon who committed the ugliest massacres against Palestinian, Syrian, Lebanese and Egyptian Muslims and Christians.  He spent the last 8 years in coma, a vegetarian state, which is in my humble opinion worse than the hell of “fire” in the hereafter.  I wished to see the mass murderer that Western governments claim to regret seeing go, roasting in bed now rather than in “flames” later.  Since the guy has already gone, my wish is to see all those who have praised him and shed crocodile tears for his departure to soon join him.  Sharon deserves to see his “friends” and “admirers”, to be around. 

Ali Baghdadi – Arab Journal – Chicago

Sharon is dead – Thank God…and Good Riddance – PressTV

The Fires of Hell will Burn a little Hotter Tonight

….by  Press TV, Tehran


[ Editors Note: Call me rude and call me crude but I am off to the store for something expensive to eat and drink to celebrate this great ocassion. I outlive Sharon!
The world is no longer polluted with the air that devil has been exhaling. I hope he roasts slowly over open coals for all the innocent people that he is killed. I will make a list but tonight is party time.
And to all those honoring him tonight, I will try to make reservations for you at my favorite barbecue place, the one that is so good that people litteraly can’t leave !!!  …Jim W. Dean ]


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