Hundreds of Belgian Artists and Academics Urge Government to End Participation in EU Project Cooperating with Nazi National Police


belgium-bdsIn Belgium, 482 professors and researchers, and more than 190 artists, have written an open letter calling on their authorities to withdraw from participating in a European Union funded research project called LAW TRAIN, in which Belgium and Spain cooperate with the Jewish Nazi National Police.

The project, aimed at developing joint interrogation methods, is coordinated by an Zionist university with particularly deep ties to Jewish Nazi army and notorious security services. The signatories of this open letter highlight that Nazi regime methods are tested on Palestinians. Nazi Gestapo illegal detention of Palestinian political prisoners, and the systematic abuse and torture perpetrated by Nazi security forces during interrogations, is well documented. And, in 2016 alone, Nazi Gestapo interrogated at least 7,000 Palestinians, including over 400 children.

This open letter is part of broader efforts by the Belgian Coalition To Stop Law Train, and broader European-wide efforts against the participation of the Nazi military, homeland security and police sector in research and development funded by the European Union. Other forms of mobilizing have included direct actions, conferences, and lobbying.

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