Hitler’s Honeymoon and Satan’s Sears Tower



By Captain Eric H. May, Ghost Troop CO

JS says: April 29, 2011 at 5:18 pm:

Have you noticed atomic Endeavour’s new Launch Target: May 2, 2:33 p.m. EDT? This info comes from NASA. So local time for the launch will be 2:33, a variation of 322, the Skull and Bones number.

CPT MAY says: April 29, 2011 at 5:41 pm:

Excellent cyber-scouting, JS! May 3 will be the anniversary of the completion of Sears Tower (5/3/73), and of the successful false flag interdiction led by Ghost Troop in 2006: Chicago Cops Dodge Blagojevich/Sears Tower Investigation.  233 is the Sears Tower street address: 233 South Wacker Drive. If my job was in or near Sears Tower (zip code 60606), I wouldn’t go to work Monday, and I wouldn’t take my eye off Jewish co-workers. They were in the know about 9/11, and it’s common sense to suspect that they might be in the know again.

AR says: April 30, 2011 at 7:02 am

Jewish workers were in the know about 9/11? Aren’t you even a bit ashamed for writing that? Who are these workers who didn’t show for work? Can you provide names?

CPT MAY says: April 30, 2011 at 10:08 am

I believe objective readers will find themselves in agreement with me if they read the well-documented article, An Independent Investigation of the True Culprits Behind 9-11. If they want to watch a compelling documentary, they can do no better than Mike Delaney’s expose of Jewish false flag terrorism, 9/11 Missing Links. For my recent cryptanalysis, which thoroughly exposes the Cabala code used by the 9/11 Cabal, they should peruse Holy Ghost Troop vs. the Synagogue of Satan. Now, before you clutter my comments with your sophomoric sophistry again, answer my two-part question:

(1) Why did the New York Jews dedicate their holocaust museum on 9/11/97, and (2) why has that fact been almost totally suppressed?

I only found one confirming source, Rudy Giuliani’s archive: New York City’s Memorial to the Holocaust: Learning about Tragedy and Triumph.

I’m not at all ashamed to accuse the Jews of foreknowledge; in light of my demonstrations above, I’d be ashamed if I didn’t!

JS says: April 30, 2011 at 6:26 pm Consider this small but disturbing sample of this week’s upcoming news:

4/30/2011 – Today is the 66th (6×11) anniversary of the marriage and double-suicide of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, 4/30/1945. After death, they were set on FIRE, all of it an occult ritual. Of course, Nazism did not die with them, and anyone who thinks so is a naif living in fantasyland.

5/1/2011 – Beatification of Pope John Paul II on the feast day of Divine Mercy, important to Poles. But this is also May 1, the Communist holiday. John Paul II was instrumental in the breakup of the Soviet Union. What kind of message is Pope Benedict XVI (1st German Pope) trying to give us?

5/2/2011 – Launch of shuttle Endeavour at 2:33 pm, variation of 322, Skull and Bones number. Not good.

AR says: May 1, 2011 at 8:33 am

The sources you provided prove absolutely nothing. The Odigo workers are the only ones mentioned in the first source. Where are the 4000 Jews who didn’t show for work that day?  I watched “911 Missing Links” with disgust and I got to the part where 3 of the 5 dancing Israelis are being interviewed to a talk show. All I can say is whoever simultaneously translated their words distorted their entire meaning. I can only assume it was done deliberately, they don’t say that their purpose was to document the “event”. I stopped watching afterwards, it was too low for my taste.  To answer your question – I have no idea why the New York Jews dedicated their holocaust museum on 9/11/97 and I don’t care. If you wish to rely on cryptanalysis to predict the Synagogue of Satan terror attacks, be my guest.  By the way I’m still waiting for that Passover false flag terror attack. Any idea when it supposed to occur? Wait, I forgot, Passover ended last Monday.

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