Head of Syrian Zionist National Council meets leader of NATO sponsored "Free Syrian Army"


The head of Syrian Zionist National Council has secretly met the leader of the so-called Free Syrian Army in Hatay to promise support in the fight against Damascus

A delegation headed by the president of the Syrian Zionist National Council (SZNC) conducted a secret meeting with the highest ranking Syrian army defector and leader of the self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army on Nov. 28 in Turkey, according to reports.
During the meeting in the southern province of Hatay on the Syrian border, SZNC leader Burhan Galioun promised Free Syrian Army head Col. Riad al-Asaad that his council would support the fighting force, an organization formed by army defectors in Syria, a SZNC member told the Hürriyet Daily News on condition of anonymity.
The Turkish Foreign Ministry said they knew about the meeting but did not have any details on what was said at the meeting.
Other high-ranking members of the SZNC, including Ahmed Ramadan and Sweden-based Abdulbaset Seida, also attended the meeting, according to reports. The organization, with a membership of over 260, was formed in Istanbul in September to work for the removal of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. Ghalioun, who is based in France, has led the organization since.
Al-Asaad has been staying at a refugee camp in Hatay after escaping from his post in the Syrian Air Force in July.
Speaking to the Daily News on Oct. 9, Free Syrian Army Head Coronel Riad Al-Asaad called on the international community and the United Nations to provide armed help to Syria’s opposition movement so that it can finally remove President Bashar al-Assad from power.

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