Hands off Hong Kong

No to British and US imperialist interference in China’s internal affairs.

Party statement

The following message was sent by our party to the Chinese ambassador in London.


To His Excellency Liu Xiaoming
Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in London

I am writing to you on behalf of my party, the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist), to express our complete solidarity with, and support for, the Hong Kong administration and the government of the PRC on the question of the ongoing protests in Hong Kong.

In the face of extreme provocation and acts of violence on the part of the protesters, the governments of Hong Kong and the PRC have behaved with commendable restraint. The protests started allegedly over the question of the extradition treaty proposed by the Hong Kong government. In response the Hong Kong government shelved the proposed treaty. All the same the demonstrations have carried on and the demands of the protesters have widened far beyond the question of the extradition treaty.

A section of the demonstrators have caused serious damage to the building of the Hong Kong legislative council. They have defaced the office of Macau and Hong Kong affairs with vulgar graffiti. They have waved British and American flags. They have disrupted traffic at Hong Kong airport.

It is clear even to the blind that there is a foreign hand (British and American) behind these demonstrations. The purpose of the demonstrators and their patrons is to detach Hong Kong from the Chinese motherland, as well as to attempt to destabilise the PRC. Further, the aim of these elements is to create problems in the way of the return of Taiwan to the PRC under the system of One Government Two Systems through attempts to show that the system does not work in Hong Kong and, therefore, will not work in the case of Taiwan.

Hong Kong and Taiwan are integral parts of the PRC and no foreign power has the right to interfere in matters which are an internal affair of the PRC.

We hope that the demonstrators will come to their senses and put an end to their protests. However, if they should push the situation to a point where the Hong Kong authorities request the government of the PRC for help, or the authorities of the PRC feel that such assistance is necessary, the latter would be fully justified in deploying the PLA to restore order.

You have our full support in the actions your government deems necessary to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the PRC. If there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours in fraternity and solidarity

Ella Rule
Chairman, CPGB-ML

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