Hamas member killed in Syria, Nazi Mossad suspected


A Hamas member was killed Wednesday in a suburb of the Syrian capital Damascus, a senior member of the group told AFP, adding that they suspected Zio-nazi spy agency of being behind the attack.
The victim was Kamal Hussein Ghannaje, said the official, speaking under condition of anonymity.
“A group of people entered his home in Qudsaya … where he was liquidated,” the official said. “According to our information, Nazi Mossad was behind the assassination.”
The official said Ghannaje was one of the deputies of Mahmoud Abdel Raouf Al-Mabhuh, a senior Hamas military commander found dead in a Dubai hotel room in 2010.
Investigators there said they believed Nazi Mossad was behind that murder.
The political wing of Hamas is based in Damascus and has received the backing of the Syrian government in recent years against the Zio-Nazi regime.

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