Goodbye, Cruel World…

  1. #1 by 1bigcree Shadowhawk on February 22, 2013 – 4:25 am

    HAHAHAHA! That’s what I call a true parting shot!
  2. #2 by ruby22-kate on February 22, 2013 – 4:29 am

    The unfairness of it all. This pope is responsible for so much human suffering that I rejoice to see his reign end. Pope Benedict is responsible for forbidding Catholics in aids ridden Africa that it is a sin to use a condom, all sex is a duty, our duty to procreate.
    I’ve heard he’s resigning because of the all the lawsuits leveled against him for his years as head of overseeing pedaphile priests and silencing their victims. He’s resigning to escape responsibility for his criminal neglect and pro active disdain for the victims that suffered unnecessarily because it was all known in Rome & either ignored or victims were paid a pittance for silence.
    He went to Israel after Cast Lead and ignored Gaza, even though the Gazan Parish priest had begged him to come & visit the faithful in Gaza.
    He belongs in front of an impartial court of law.

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