Good Nightmare: Hackers disable Zionist Stock Exchange, Zionist Air Line

January 16, 2012
 Computer hackers disabled the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and El Al websites.
The attacks on Monday morning come after hackers in the last two weeks have released online the credit card details of thousands of Israelis and a day after Hamas called on hackers to attack Israeli sites.
Trading was not affected on the stock exchange; the bourse’s website and trading system are not connected. The exchange’s website had recovered some operations by mid-Monday morning, and El Al’s site was working by the afternoon.
A group of pro-Palestinian hackers who call themselves Nightmare had threatened Sunday to bring down the two websites, according to Ynet.
“The penetration into Israeli websites opens a new front for electronic resistance and war against the Israeli occupation,” Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said Sunday.
Also Monday, a Jewish pro-Israel hacker using the moniker Hannibal published Facebook account information allowing access to the accounts of 20,000 Arab Facebook users. He also claims to have information to allow access to 10 million Iranian and Saudi bank accounts.

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