SYRIA TODAY 1: “Get the Syrian People out of the Catastrophe imposed by the Neo-colonial Powers”


Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem, Sr

Syrian Government’s Mission. Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal Mikdad Statement at Geneva 2 Peace Talks

Global Research
Deputy Foreign and expatriates Minister and member of the Syria’s official delegation to Geneva 2 Conference, Fayssal Mikdad said that “we believe that getting the Syrian people out of the catastrophe imposed by the neo-old colonial circles is our main mission.
Mikdad told journalists in Geneva

“”We hope to start today.. as beginnings of the political work are usually humble, but we are optimistic that we will build upon these humble beginnings because we wish to have Syria’s people out of the catastrophe they encounter due to the acts of terrorist groups, and also because many countries, on top, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, France, Britain and the US  arm and fund the terrorists then sending  them to Syria to kill our children and destroy our schools and hospitals.”

Mikdad added

“We need serious discussions and Interlocutor, but not  manipulation of this side or that,”  underlining that “We will have a firm stance towards such these behaviors  and in case the coalition delegation called ‘opposition’ didn’t come,  we would say “Enough for manipulation and mockery.”

He reiterated that Syria’s official delegation came to Geneva with strong will and upon the directives and instructions of President Bashar al-Assad to make this conference a success which  shows his good intention to reach an outcome out of this conference.
Mikdad pointed out that discussions were supposed to start yesterday (Friday) , but the other side didn’t appear and there are many interpretations for that.
On meetings of Syria’s official delegation with Russian and Mikdad said US delegations, Mikdad pointed out that bilateral meetings are being held, asserting that “the official delegation didn’t meet the US delegation.”
He affirmed that the will of the Syrian people will overcome terrorism and killings at the end.

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