Geneva Interim Nuclear Agreement Begins Today

Natanz nuclear facility - Iran
Natanz nuclear facility – Iran

Iran suspends 20 percent enrichment, starts oxidization

 by  Press TV, Tehran

AIPAC needs to be destroyed by making it a political leper
AIPAC needs to be destroyed by making it a political leper
[ Editors Note: The American Zionist Lobby and their 5th column cohorts lost more wind out of their sails today as the physical and easing of sanctions aspects begin to be executed. 
The momentum for peace will continue gaining despite every trick of the trade that the peace wreckers will try to throw in the way. But need to tear house down as part of the process.

Israel knows that once the Iran nuclear situation is done and over that all attention is going to focus on the remaining nuclear offensive threat in the region….them.  They will tell the world where to shove it, and that is what will take seriousZionist sanctions to the tipping point.

Pressure is also cooking to expose more about who has really be behind most of the terrorism going in the Mid East…Western governments, Israel and their various proxy governements, purely to create destabalization situations for installing puppet governments to serve foreign colonial interests.

The world is all beginning to join hands to protect themselves from past American aggression, and I don’t mean from the people, but from special interests who have been pushing the expansionists commerical politices via trumped up threats and gunboat diplomacy. Obama is dialing some of it back, which pushing forward in other areas, pursuing our very loosely defined ‘intersests’.

While the Geneva agreements move on to fruition  now is the time to counter attack with full force all those who have served the foreign entity against their fellow citizens. This will be a political battle. At the end of the day, the local people in their districts have to hound their Congressional reps who have done the kneepad routine for their AIPAC buddies…their most treasured consitituents.
If we don’t do this the Lobby will just regroup, turn the money spigot on to help ease the bruises, and search for another point of attack. Any Congressman that is close to the Lobby has to be hounded out of office and publicly humiliated wherever they show their faces. This takes organization to get their event list and pull teams together to rotate doing different events. But is all just bread and butter grass roots citizen work.
As always, retired folks with the time on their hands have to pitch in on the more time consuming work that the still working folks cannot do. The labor has to divided and spread out to build a district powerbase that can be used to back new candidates. And don’t forget the Lobby folks are smart enough to put on sheep’s clothing and run the new guy like pretending they are with you…an old game… Jim W. Dean ]

Finally moving forward from past failed policies
Finally moving forward from past failed policies
Iran has suspended 20 percent uranium enrichment as part of a deal struck between Tehran and six major world powers in the Swiss city of Geneva last November.

Iran has suspended enrichment of uranium to the 20-percent purity level at Natanz and Fordow nuclear sites in the presence of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors and removed connections between cascades of centrifuges used to produce 20 percent enriched uranium, said Director General for Safeguards Affairs at the (AEOI) Mohammad Amiri.
“From now on, the centrifuges which were used for producing 20 percent enriched uranium will be used for enriching uranium to the five-percent [purity level],” the top Iranian nuclear official pointed out.
Iran also started the process to dilute and oxidize its 196-kg stockpile of 20-percent-enriched uranium, he added. He said half of the stockpile will be oxidized over a period of six months at 15 kg a month.
The remaining half of the 20-percent-enriched uranium stockpile will be diluted within three months at “one cylinder per three weeks,” the official said.
Meanwhile, the IAEA has confirmed that Iran has halted enrichment of 20 percent enriched uranium under the Geneva agreement.

A report by the IAEA confirms that Iran stopped 20 percent uranium enrichment by cutting the link feeding cascades enriching uranium at Nantaz and Fordow nuclear facilities.
The IAEA also says Iran has given assurances it will not enrich uranium at other locations during the six-month period.

On January 12, Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – Russia, China, France, Britain, and the US – plus Germany finalized an agreement on ways to implement as of January 20 the interim nuclear deal that the two sides struck in Geneva on November 24, 2013.
The accord is aimed at setting the stage for the full resolution of the decade-old standoff over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.

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