Video: Gaza, Bethlehem, and rememberance (Yizkor) for Bassem

Video: Gaza, Bethlehem, and rememberance (Yizkor) for Bassem

A friend of The Only Democracy? wanted to share the following videos. 
Here is a recent one made by someone who spent years trying to visit Gaza.
and here is an older piece, made by residents of Aida refugee camp and Anne who made the first film.
It is about the Checkpoint from Bethlehem to what Israel illegally declared Jerusalem (in fact, it stands in the middle of Bethlehem and separates one area of the city from the other, I still have a friend living on the other side who is considered resident of Bethlehem).

The video shows how the few Palestinian workers who are allowed by Israel to cross to the “Jerusalem” side for work get in line every work day at 3h or 4h in the morning to be on time on the other side (and often continue their hard work as a construction worker, cheap laborer, etc.). Try to imagine that the scene you will see repeats itself every single day except for weekends, in freezing rain, in winter, summer always. Some people from the South of the West Bank leave their home at 2 a.m., spend hours in the freezing cold at the checkpoint, go to work, and get back to their home at 9 in the evening. Every day. For a few shekel. Also keep in mind that Israel usually does not give work permits to young Palestinian males, so it is usually the fathers working hard while their young sons cannot find work.

I love the last image of the man playing “We Shall Overcome” on the violin at a checkpoint. 
Finally, here is a video previously posted of the killing of Bassem “Pheel” Abu Rahmah, appropriately reposted in this time where those of who are Jewish remember our ancestors who died for their identities and rights.

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