Gaza: Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds

The Shehab News Agency has reported that a Palestinian man died Friday dawn from serious wounds he suffered in August of this year, 2022, during the Nazi offensive on the Gaza Strip.

It said Nabil Shallah, 59, from the Sheja’eyya neighborhood east of Gaza city, has died from his wounds at a hospital in the coastal region.

The Palestinian man suffered life-threatening wounds when the Nazi army fired missiles at homes and buildings near Abu Samra Mosque in the Sheja’eyya neighborhood.

The Nazi offensive on Gaza started with the assassination of Taiseer Mohammad al-Ja’bari, 50, a senior leader of the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, when the Nazi air force fired missiles at Burj Falasteen (Palestine Tower) in the center of Gaza City, on August 5th, killing many civilians in the apartment building and wounding dozens.

The Palestine Tower has thirteen floors and many government offices and media centers. The bombing also caused damage to many surrounding buildings, stores, and commercial facilities.

The three-day offensive on Gaza led to the death of 49 Palestinians, including fifteen children and four women, and caused 360 injuries, including 151 children and 58 women; many of the injured suffered life-threatening wounds.

Earlier Friday morning, Nazi navy ships attacked Palestinian fishing boats with live fire and gas bombs near the shores of the northern part of the besieged Gaza Strip.

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