Gaza Holocaust News ”4”


Potatoes for Gaza – emergency food aid 

Gershon Baskin – The Israeli vegetable growers` association is going to destroy 5000 tons “surplus” potatoes on Sunday, and pay the farmers 0.50 NIS per kilo ($0.144) as compensation. If the sum can be collected in time – $730,000 for 5000 tons – it would be possible to send the potatoes to Gaza via a reputable international charitable organization and let them be distributed to the most needy. So far, some 36,000 Dollars were collected, and five days remain to raise the rest. ak


Head of the international commission of inquiry, prof. William Schabas, already under attack

Daniel Siryoti, Mati Tuchfeld, Dan Lavie and Reuters – IsraelHayom – Israel is still irate by a U.N. inquiry into 2008`s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. That report said both Israel and Hamas appeared to have committed war crimes, though it was tougher on Israel. [bz]

Hannibal Directive is the beginning of fascism in Israel
Uri Arad – Ynet – These things do not happen in a vacuum: [Netanyahu`s] flattery of fascist rabbis, his path of de-legitimization against the left who`s “forgotten what it means to be a Jew”, his vanity and arrogance toward Mahmoud Abbas, his continuing support of settlement construction and racist legislation, his tireless use of techniques of fear and his failure to unequivocally condemn manifestations of racism, violence and fascist ideas, allow them to bloom and blossom. [bz]

Were Gaza tunnels built to harm Israeli civilians?

Emanual Yelin – +972 – We’ve seen six instances in which Hamas used the tunnels against Israel. Once when Gilad Shalit was captured, and the rest during the current operation. In all instances, Hamas’ target were IDF soldiers, not the communities. [bz]

Hamas official: This is second and final cease-fire with Israel
Jerusalem Post – Palestinians reportedly turn down Israeli offer to allow seaport in exchange for a disarmed Gaza Strip; talks emerge of Israeli intentions to “ease some restrictions” on Gaza. [bz]

War weeks in Haifa 

Free Haifa – We got a chance to study the right wing slogans. “Gaza is a parking” – probably in praise of the flattening of neighborhoods… “Bring me Hummus, Chips and Salad” – their view of relations with local Arabs. “You Don’t Have a State!” – something we already noticed. “A Jew is a soul – An Arab is a son of a whore!” – variation of a common football chant. When they all started to sing, to the rhythm of a Hassidic hymm: “The entire world hates Israel!” we almost joined them. ak

Hundreds in Tel Aviv defy police ban to protest Gaza war

Haggai Matar – +972 magazine – Israeli security forces forbade what was slated to be the largest anti-war demonstration in Israel since the outbreak of hostilities in Gaza. Still, some 500 activists did turn up on Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square in defiance of the ban, which was put in place ostensibly to stop large gatherings during a time when missiles are being fired at Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities. Protesters chanted such slogans as “Funds to welfare not to war,” “Build more classrooms not more bombs” and “In Gaza and Sderot children want to live.” ak

Codepink protest causes cancellation of Israeli Embassy event 
Codepink – Activists went to the Israeli Embassy in Washinton D.C., waving signs reading “End the siege of Gaza!” and “Killing kids in Gaza violates my Jewish values”. At the time, the Embassy was supposed to hold a “Public Diplomacy event” – but it was cancelled in order to prevent activists from gaining entry to the embassy compound. They remained on vigil outside. ak

Israeli forces kill Fatah activist in Nablus raid

Ma`an – Israeli forces killed Zakariyya Mousa Dawood al-Aqra, 24, after laying siege to a building in the village. Al-Aqra`s brother is reported to live in one of the apartments in the three story building, which Israeli forces attacked with grenades and heavy gunfire. [bz]

Israel Border Police kill Zakaria al-Akra – report in an Israeli context
Elior Levy and Yoav Zitun – Ynet – Violence in the West Bank due to increase if the Gaza front couldn`t be concluded diplomatically during the current three-day ceasefire, says the Minister of Police [bz]



Help for the Gazan casualties at Al-Mukased hospital in east Jerusalem

The hospital`s urgent need is medications for the wounded and facilities for them and their relatives who must stay within the confines of the hospital by Israeli orders [ry]

The world is letting Israel get away with it again
Larry Derfner – +972 – The assault on Gaza has hurt this country’s image – and it doesn’t care [ry]

Let diplomacy win, because an army can`t

Ariana Melamed – Ynet – The IDF can destroy every house in Gaza and kill any terrorist emerging from a tunnel, but in the 21st century war is won in the negotiating room [ry]

Metro Gaza 
Uri Avnery – Gush Shalom – “Two months ago, Abbas was the punch bag of Netanyahu. Now he is the pet of Netanyahu and Israeli public opinion. At the same time, paradoxically, Abbas and Hamas have also been drawn closer together. This could be a unique opportunity to start a serious peace process, in the wake of the solution of the Gaza Strip problems. If…” [ry]

African Solidarity with Palestine
African scholars and scholars of Africa: We, the undersigned African scholars and scholars of Africa, hold that silence about the latest humanitarian catastrophe caused by Israel’s new military assault on the Gaza Strip—the third and most devastating in six years—constitutes complicity. Member state of NATO which mounted an air war on Libya ostensibly to protect civilians in Benghazi have been by and large quiet about the fate of civilians in Gaza. World governments and mainstream media do not hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law. dn

Why the Gaza port matters 
Samer Badawi – +972 – While prospects for a negotiated end to the Israeli blockade of Gaza remain bleak, making use of the existing sea passage to Gaza could offer a way forward for all parties, including Egypt. dn

The forgotten victims of Gaza
Alaa` Odeh – Mondoweiss – Palestinians leave home looking for basic rights, including security and stability, but face consistent obstacles abroad, including rejection due to their identity. During times of war, Palestinians struggle to find opportunity, while watching the Israel’s violence and oppression from afar. This is the story of only one such Palestinian.dn

This is what Palestine needs
Samer Jaber – Al Jazeerah -The Israeli forces should withdraw from Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 so the UN can take over. . . . The framework of the confrontation has not changed and Israel will continue to sustain its occupation. The Palestinian side is defending itself and longing for the end of the occupation and self-determination. The so-called peace process of the last two decades has provided a cover for Israel to maintain the status quo, the occupation and continued Palestinian displacement. dn

Europe offers to establish Gaza-Cyprus sea route
Elior Levy – Ynet – To prevent future rehabilitation of conflict-torn Strip`s military capabilities, European sources say continent willing to negotiate lifting naval blockade with use of European observers. dn

Israel Acts to Head Off War Crime Claims
Alternative Information Center – IMEMC “According to the The New York Post, during a meeting on Wednesday with members of Congress who are visiting Israel as guests of AIPAC, Netanyahu urged the American representatives to assist Israeli officials who wish to avoid trial by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.The members of Congress heard the latest from the prime minister regarding the tenuous Gaza ceasefire, as well as Jerusalem’s strained relations with the Obama administration.” ca

Welcome to the status quo — a tour of the occupation
Naomi Dann – Mondoweiss “As a first time visitor to the region, and as someone who had studied this so-called conflict extensively in an academic setting, it was incredibly powerful and disturbing to witness the visual manifestations of the occupation and to meet people working to bring peace with justice to the region. Infrastructure plays a subtle yet violent role in enforcing and expanding the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank. The separation wall, check points, the plethora of barbed wire, settler-only roads running over Palestinian underpasses, and rooftop water tanks are visually striking elements of the architecture of occupation. Equally striking, however, is the resilience and strength of popular resistance against the occupation.” ca

Israel`s Gaza offensive resurrects Hamas
Daoud Kuttab – Al-Monitor “War is a terrible thing, and there are no real winners. Politically, the current war has resurrected an Islamic movement that had nearly surrendered politically and was financially bankrupt.” ca


From Iran to the tunnels: Do we really have to live this way?
Nir Baram – +972 – Those who spot an existential threat at every turn, turn their backs on diplomacy and mock peace efforts are now astonished to find that the enemy has sought out their own weapons of attack. The tunnels are a self-fulfilling prophecy; the time has come to look for another way.-rh

July 2014: Over 1930 Palestinians arrested by occupation forces
Samidoun – Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – During July 2014, nearly 2,000 Palestinians were arrested by Israeli occupation forces, reported the Palestinian Prisoners Center for Studies, including all sectors of Palestinian society. There are now over 6,200 Palestinians in occupation prisons.-rh

How to fix it : Ending this war in Gaza begins with recognizing Hamas as a legitimate political actor.

Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson – Foreign Policy – This tragedy results from the deliberate obstruction of a promising move toward peace in the region, when a reconciliation agreement among the Palestinian factions was announced in April. This was a major concession by Hamas, in opening Gaza to joint control under a technocratic government that did not include any Hamas members.-rh

Kaddish for Gaza

Rolf Verleger – Talk given at the manifestation organized by the German-Arabic Society in front of Bellevue castle (office of the German president) in Berlin, July 30, 2014 – I would like to say the Kaddish, which is the traditional prayer by Jewish mourners. I will say it for the dead people of Gaza and – because in death everybody is alike – for the dead Israeli soldiers even though they have died for an unjust case.-rh

Israel’s Colonialism Must End
Ali Jarbawi – NY Times – “If the occupied population chooses to stand in the way of the occupier’s goals, then they are demonized, which allows the occupier the supposed moral excuse of confronting them with all possible means, no matter how harsh.” – id

Israel attacks my university — with bombs and lies

Rami Almeghari – The Electronic Intifada – ” Fewer and fewer people are swallowing Israel’s lies. Far from destroying “weapons development centers,” Israel is trying to destroy our lives. It is intent on denying us the possibility of learning and working in peace. Israel will not succeed. We will keep on educating our people, no matter how many times we are bombed.” – id

Only Israel can break through diplomatic impasse
Afif Safieh – Al Monitor – “I do not know how to measure pain or how to quantify suffering, but one of the ironies of history is that in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the oppressor seems to hate its victim much more than the victim hates its oppressor.” – id

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