Potatoes for Gaza – emergency food aid Gershon Baskin – The Israeli vegetable growers` association is going to destroy 5000 tons “surplus” potatoes on Sunday, and pay the farmers 0.50 NIS per kilo ($0.144) as compensation. If the sum can be collected in time – $730,000 for 5000 tons – it would be possible to send the potatoes to Gaza via a reputable international charitable organization and let them be distributed to the most needy. So far, some 36,000 Dollars were collected, and five days remain to raise the rest. ak
Head of the international commission of inquiry, prof. William Schabas, already under attack
Daniel Siryoti, Mati Tuchfeld, Dan Lavie and Reuters – IsraelHayom – Israel is still irate by a U.N. inquiry into 2008`s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. That report said both Israel and Hamas appeared to have committed war crimes, though it was tougher on Israel. [bz]
Hannibal Directive is the beginning of fascism in Israel