Gaza Holocauat: On the 48th Daye of Nazi Offensive


9 Palestinian Civilians, 5 of Whom Are Members of One Family, Including 2 Children and 2 Women, Killed and 99 Others, Including 30 Children and 19 Women, Wounded;

5 Houses Destroyed 

Since the Beginning of the Nazi Offensive, 2,114 Palestinians, 1,628 of Whom Are Civilians, Including 506 Children and 291 Women, Killed, and 10,529 Others, Mostly Civilians, Including 3,190 Children and 2,037 Women, Wounded;

880 Houses Targeted and Destroyed by Nazi Warplanes;

Thousands of Houses Destroyed Completely or Partially by Nazi Shelling;

Thousands of Palestinian Families Resort to Humanitarian Shelters

Nazi occupation forces have continued their brutal and immoral offensive on the Gaza Strip for the 47th consecutive day in violation of the international law.  They have employed their full-fledged arsenal to attack the Gaza Strip from the air, sea and land, killing and wounding thousands of Palestinians, mostly civilians, including children and women.  Many Palestinians have been killed by Israeli airstrikes that attacked their homes without prior warnings.  Israeli forces have attacked homes and civilian facilities and property. On Friday evening, 22 August 2014, Israeli forces continued attacks on Palestinian civilians and property.  They attacked more houses and civilian gatherings.  As a result of these attacks, 9 Palestinian civilians, 5 of whom are members of one family, including 2 children and 2 women, were killed.  Additionally, 99 Palestinians, including 30 children and 19 women, were wounded, and 5 houses were destroyed.  Humanitarian shelters throughout the Gaza Strip are over-crowded as thousands of Palestinian civilians have resorted to them.  According to UNRWA’s statistics, the number of displaced civilians has amounted to at least 240,000.  Most areas in the Gaza Strip lack water and electricity services due to the ongoing offensive.

The latest developments from 10:00 (07:00 GMT) on Friday, 22 August 2014, to 10:00 on Saturday, 23 August 2014, have been as follows:

The Northern Gaza Strip:

Israeli warplanes launched a number of airstrikes targeting houses, a cemetery, agricultural plots and open areas.  As a result of these attacks, 13 Palestinians, including 3 children and 2 women, were wounded.  Additionally, a house was targeted and destroyed, and a number of others were damaged.

The most significant attacks were as follows:

–       At approximately 18:00 on Friday, 22 August 2014, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at an open area at the southern entrance of Beit Hanoun. As a result, a Palestinian civilian was wounded.

–       At approximately 20:40, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at al-Falouja Cemetery in Jabalya refugee camp.  As a result, a number of graves were destroyed, a large crater was made and the fence and a gate of the cemetery were damaged. Three trucks parked in the area belonging to the al-Sherafi family and a number of nearby house were damaged.  Four Palestinian civilians were wounded.

–       At approximately 20:50, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at a poultry farm belonging to Akram Abu ‘Ouda in al-Sikka Street in Beit Hanoun.  The farm was destroyed.

–       At approximately 21:15, an Israeli warplane launched 2 missiles at al-Radee’ farm in Musallam area in Beit Lahia.  A number of nearby houses were damaged and a Palestinian civilian was wounded.

–       At approximately 22:10, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a 2-storey house belonging to ‘Anan al-Masri in al-Manshiya Street.  A few minutes later, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at the house and destroyed it.

Gaza City:

Israeli warplanes launched 15 airstrikes targeting houses, flats, a mosque, agricultural plots and open areas.  As a result of these attacks, 61 Palestinians, including 15 children and 8 women, were wounded.  Two houses were also destroyed and a third one, a building and a flat were damaged.

The most significant attacks were as follows:

–       At approximately 12:00 on Friday, 22 August 2014, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a flat belonging to Hammam Ibrahim Nasman on the 4th floor of ‘Akila building near al-Sousi Mosque in al-Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City.  The flat was extensively damaged, but no casualties were reported. At the same time, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at the fifth floor of the same building, owned by the Baroud family and rented by a member of the Farahat family.  As a result, the roof of the building was extensively damaged.

–       At approximately 20:30, Israeli warplanes launched 3 missiles at a 5-storey house belonging to ‘Abdul Karim Saleh Abu ‘Aqlin, in which 7 families, including 25 children, live near Dughmosh gas station in al-Sabra neighborhood in the south of Gaza City.  As a result, 6 members of the family were wounded and the house was destroyed.

–       At approximately 01:30 on Saturday, 23 August 2014, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at al-Sousi Mosque in al-Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City.  It is worth noting that the mosque had been already attacked and destroyed by Israeli warplanes.

–       At approximately 06:15, Israeli warplane launched 6 missiles at an uninhabited 2-storey house belonging to ‘Emad ‘Aaqel near Ali Msoque in al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the southeast of Gaza City.

–       At approximately 10:00, an Israeli warplane launched 2 missiles at a 3-storey house belonging to the al-Wadiya family in Ahmed Yassin Street opposite to Gaza University in the south of Gaza City.  The house was completely destroyed.

–       The other civilians were wounded when Israeli warplane launched airstrikes on agricultural plots and open areas.

The Central Gaza Strip:

Israeli warplanes launched 15 airstrikes targeting houses, agricultural plots and a cemetery.  As a result of these attacks, 6 Palestinian civilians, 5 of whom are members of one family, including 2 children and 2 women, were killed, and 24 others, including 11 children and 9 women, were wounded.  Two houses were also destroyed.

The most significant attacks were as follows:

–          At approximately 10:10 on Friday, 22 August 2014, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a 2-storey house belonging to Khaled Salman Abu Hwaishel, in which 4 people live, in al-Boreij refugee camp.  A few minutes later, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at the house and destroyed it.

–          At approximately 16:20, an Israeli drone fired a missile at Ismail Musallam Ebtaihan, 69, when he was on his land in Be’r Abu Salah area in al-Zawaida.  He was seriously wounded.  He died of his wound 2 hours later.

–          At approximately 00:15 on Saturday, 23 August 2014, an Israeli warplane launched 2 missiles at a 4-storey house belonging to Shida ‘Abed Rabbu Abu Dahrouj, in which 4 families counting 25 individuals live, in al-Zawaida village.  The first missile did not exploded, but the second one destroyed the house and killed 5 members of the family: Hayel Shihda ABU Dahrouj, 28; his wife, Huda Mohammed Abu Dahrouj, 25; his children, ‘Abdullah, 3, and ‘Abdul Hadi, 2; and his aunt, Hayat ‘Abed Rabbu Abu Dahrouj, 50.

Khan Yunis:

Israeli warplanes launched 25 airstrikes targeting houses, agricultural plots, a cultural center, a store and a mosque.  As a result of these attacks, 2 Palestinian civilians were killed and a child was wounded.  Another civilian died of a previous wound.

The most significant attacks were as follows:

–          At approximately 10:30 on Friday, 22 August 2014, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at a store in a house belonging to the al-Muzayen family in al-Manara neighborhood in the southwest of Khan Yunis.

–          At approximately 11:00, an Israeli drone fired a missile at al-‘Abadla quarter in al-Qarara village.  Ahmed Qassem al-‘Abadla and his 2 sons, Mousa, 23, and Omar, 10, mounted to the roof of the house to check where the missile landed.  As soon as they got onto the roof, an Israeli drone fired a missile at them.  The three civilians were seriously wounded.  They were evacuated to Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis.  Half an hour later, Mousa died of his wound, and the father died of his wound 2 hours later.

–          At approximately 13:30, an Israeli warplane launched an airstrike on an agricultural plot in ‘Abdul Ghafour area in al-Qarara village.

–          At approximately 18:10, an Israeli warplane launched 2 airstrikes on lands in al-Satar al-Gharbi area and al-Qarara village, northwest of Khan Yunis.

–          At approximately 18:20, an Israeli warplane launched 2 airstrikes on lands in al-Fukhari village, southeast of Khan Yunis.

–          At approximately 19:20, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at a site of a Palestinian armed group in the northwest of Khan Yunis.

–          From 19:50 to 20:20, Israeli warplanes launched 9 airstrikes targeting agricultural plots in al-Qarara village, Hittin area and al-Satar al-Gharbi area.  No casualties were reported.

–          At approximately 20:00, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at an agricultural plot near the campus of the Islamic University in Ma’an area in the south of Khan Yunis.

–          At approximately 20:15, Israeli forces positioned at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel fired smoke shells with a disgusting smell at the east of al-Qarara village, northeast of Khan Yunis.

–          At approximately 00:00 on Saturday, 23 August 2014, an Israeli warplane launched 2 airstrikes on agricultural plots in the northwest of Khan Yunis.

–          At approximately 03:50, an Israeli drone fired a missile at Khalil al-Rahman Mosque in ‘Abassan village, east of Khan Yunis.  A few minutes later, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at the mosque and destroyed it.

–          At approximately 17:30, Israeli warplanes launched 3 missiles at the Cultural Center of al-Qarara Municipality in al-‘Abadla Street in al-Qarara village.  The 2-storey building was destroyed.

–          At approximately 06:00, medical sources declared that ‘Abdul Rahman Salem Abu Hadayed, 25, died of a wound he had sustained on Thursday, 21 August 2014, when an Israeli drone fired a missile at a motorcycle on which he was traveling together with his brother, Hamdan, 44, who was killed in the attack, in Ma’an area in the south of Khan Yunis.


Israeli warplanes launched 11 airstrikes on Rafah targeting agricultural plots, open areas and a training site.  No casualties were reported.

The most significant attacks were as follows:

–          At approximately 10:30 on Friday, 22 August 2014, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at an open area in Tal Zo’rob area in the southwest of Rafah.

–          At approximately 10:50, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at an open area in the northwest of Rafah.

–          At approximately 11:40, Israeli forces fired a number of artillery shells at houses and agricultural areas in al-Shouka village, east of Rafah.

–          At approximately 13:30, Israeli forces fired a number of artillery shells at houses and agricultural areas in al-Shouka village, east of Rafah.

–          At approximately 21:30, Israeli forces fired a number of artillery shells at houses and agricultural areas in al-Tannour neighborhood in the east of Rafah.

–          At approximately 21:40, Israeli forces fired a number of artillery shells at houses and agricultural areas in al-Shouka village, east of Rafah.

–          From approximately 01:20 to 06:30 on Saturday, 23 August 2014, Israeli warplanes launched 8 airstrikes on open areas in Tal Zo’rob area in the southwest of Rafah, the tunnel areas along the Egyptian border, south of the city, the northwestern part of the city and a site of the ‘Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades (the armed wing of Hamas)

PCHR reiterates condemnation, expresses utmost concern for these crimes, and:

1)   Calls upon the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to promptly visit the Gaza Strip, to fulfill her responsibilities to stop this barbaric offensive and to closely watch the systematic destruction caused and deliberate targeting of Palestinian civilians and property protected under the international law;

2)   Calls upon the UN Human Rights Council to accelerate the formation of the fact-finding mission as decided by the Council in the resolution taken in its special session that was held on 23 July 2014 to investigate violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law in the occupied Palestinian territory without any delay related to bureaucratic restrictions and procedures;

3)   Calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their contractual obligations not only to respect the Convention, but also ensure respect for the Convention, and to immediately intervene to stop war crimes committed by Israeli forces against Palestinian civilians, and calls upon the Swiss Government, the depository of the Geneva Conventions, to call for a new conference of the High Contracting Parties as soon as possible;

4)   Stresses that holding war criminals accountable is an essential condition for any future settlement, and the international community should confirm that no impunity for war criminals, and the achievement of peace is conditioned by respect for human rights and the international law, and prosecution of war criminals;

5)   Calls upon the Palestinian leadership to immediately accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which will provide opportunities to prosecute Israeli war criminals before the Court;

6)   Stresses that the Gaza Strip is a disaster area and there is an urgent need to treat the disastrous humanitarian situation resulting from deliberate Israeli attacks on the civilian infrastructure, including electricity, water, hospitals, shelters and houses, forcible displacement of more than 500,000 civilians ad systematic and mass destruction of civilian communities;

7)   Calls upon the international community to intervene to stop the policies of collective punishment and left the closure imposed on the Gaza Strip for more than seven years, allowing the freedom of movement and goods, away from artificial improvements which have contributed to institutionalizing and prolonging the closure.

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