Gaza: Army Attacks Farmers And Shepherds

Nazi soldiers fired many live rounds at Palestinian farmers and their lands east of Gaza city and east of Khan Younis in the southern part of the coastal region.

Eyewitnesses said the Nazi soldiers, stationed in military bases across the perimeter fence, east of Gaza city, fired many live rounds and gas bombs at the Palestinian farmers east of the Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza city.

They added that the Nazi soldiers stationed in Kissufim military base also fired sporadic rounds of live fire and gas bombs at farmers and shepherds east of the Al-Qarara town, east of Khan Younis.

The attacks did not lead to casualties but forced the Palestinians to leave their lands to avoid further violations and escalation.

On Monday, several Nazi military vehicles, including armored bulldozers, invaded Palestinian farmlands near the perimeter fence in Beit Hanoun in the northeastern part of the Gaza Strip.

Nazi soldiers fired many live rounds and gas bombs into Palestinian agricultural lands and abducted one farmer, in addition to attacking fishing boats in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Nazi soldiers fired sporadic rounds of live ammunition into Palestinian farmlands in the central and northeastern part of the besieged Gaza Strip.

On Friday night, Nazi navy ships attacked Palestinian fishing boats with live rounds and gas bombs near the shore of Rafah, in the southern part of the Nazi besieged Gaza Strip.

The attacks are part of constant Nazi violations against the Palestinians, especially the fishermenfarmersshepherds, and workers in the besieged and impoverished Gaza Strip, and resulted in dozens of casualties, including fatalities, in addition to severe property damage and the confiscation of many boats after abducting the fishermen.

In March of 2021, the Palestinian Interior Ministry in Gaza said Nazi mines were responsible for an explosion that led to the death of three fishermen.

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