Founding Fathers' Christian Militias Becoming a Necessity?

Who are you to proclaim that your Christian American way is the best? It is obvious you have never been exposed to the communist system. When nationalism is finally smashed in America. I will personally be there to firebomb your church, burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your children away. We will send them to Eastern Bloc schools and reeducate them to become the future leaders of a One World Government, and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We are taking over the world and there is nothing you can do to stop us.” (Letter from a Spokane, Washington Jew to Christian Pastor Sheldon Emry).
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British historian Lord Macaulay warned, “Your republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth, with this difference, that the empire came from without and your Huns and vandals will have been engendered within your own country, by your Israeli Zionist owned institutions.” (Check out the Israeli Control of America)

Building ‘Jewish Warrior’ Camps In USA
Follow Up To: “Buy Your Gun Yet?” @
HYPOCRITICAL AMERICAN JEWS are going through private Israeli-taught “self-defense” tactical weapons training under “Ex”-IDF trainers with real automatic military weapons.

These camps are in conjunction with group martial arts training which prepares American jews to form their own militias.

Israelis don’t really leave the IDF — for after active conscript duty they go on reserve status until 45. Thus, these “Ex”-IDF trainers are actually reserve IDF trainers still connected to Israeli government and military.

You can be sure that the American Jews and their IDF-style militias will be the only ones left with fully automatic military weapons, semi-automatic rifles and handguns if the jews have their way.

AND in JEWmerica, only jews have their way.

A considerable part of the Jewish “self-defense” militia problem, as I see it, is that Americans, including the government and military, have no idea how many hundreds or thousands of American Jews have actively trained and served in the IDF and then come back.

And there are at least 100,000 Israeli ex-pats living in the US, male and female who are retired or reserve IDF. Both sexes are conscripted into the Israeli armed forces.

It’s not tracked.

And it will make for a potential 5th column situation with unknown dimensions.

WE HAVE NO IDEA how many unregistered Israeli-made weapons are distributed throughout Jewry by way of these IDF-connected tactical weapons training camps.

And we are given a scant clue of the secret special permissions and exceptions the “ex-IDF” instructors have from the jew-owned federal gov who also as “Special-Relationship Israelis” do business as registered gun dealers when it comes to importing (smuggling) untraceable Israeli weapons.

Jews form their own “defense” groups under “ex-IDF” trainers like at Pennsylvania’s Cherev Gidon Israeli Tactical Academy and at The Legion where “building Jewish warriors” gets kudos and a free pass from the jew-owned main stream media.

Try starting a camp which builds “White warriors” or “Christian warriors” and the miserable kikes will put Chuckie Schumer, Jerry Nadler, and Michael Bloomberg on CNN to condemn it.

And you can be sure the jews will be able to keep their AR-15s and Berettas no matter what the laws are to ‘defend’ themselves from all those WHITE SUPREMACIST ‘anti-Semites.’


+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Owner Real Jew News @ /

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