Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem.Sr |
The Israeli government & the ADL, which advocates for Israel, help Facebook executives decide which content to censor. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that Palestinians’ Facebook pages are increasingly being removed. At a time when social media have become the new ‘public square,’ Palestinians are being denied equal access. Read about Facebook, the ADL, and Palestinians… Read more |
New on IAK: Protecting Palestinian Children resources – join the team!If Americans Knew has a new Action Center devoted to advocacy for Palestinian children, and we’re looking to create a nationwide movement that you need to join! Read more |
Why did Microsoft fund an Israeli firm that surveils West Bank Palestinians?Microsoft committed to protecting democratic freedoms. Then it funded an Israeli facial recognition firm that secretly watches West Bank Palestinians… Read more |
A Palestinian father’s call for justiceA Palestinian father asks for justice for his son, imprisoned by Israel for 3 1/2 years, tortured, but never allowed to testify against the preposterous charges of which he is accused.Read more |
Virgin Airlines’ Richard Branson – a force for justice for Palestinians?Sir Richard Branson, billionaire, activist, and philanthropist, understands the Palestinian plight. As his airline begins operation in Israel, will he be true to his own philosophy, “social justice is good for business”? Read more |
Why media reports on Palestine are consistently inaccurateThe Israel lobby has created an atmosphere in which journalists shy away from honest reporting on the Israel/Palestine issue. They are so fearful of being labeled anti-Semitic, they “daren’t even ask the questions.” |