Extensive interaction with Facebook prohibits Palestine and the campaign is stepping up its movement

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Occupied Palestine – Quds News : saw your branding campaign “Facebook prohibits Palestine” interaction and wide, and in record time Almtvaalon succeeded through Hachtaj #FBblocksPalestine to make ittop networking sites, wheresolution marking the first place Palestinians andsecond inKingdomJordan, as witnessed Alhastej reaction Activists from several countries and in different languages.

The campaign’s labeling has generated more than 65 million interactions via Twitter and Instagram as well as extensive interaction across Facebook.

The Facebook campaign forbids Palestine appreciated the wide media interaction by satellite channels and radio stations that devoted large areas of the campaign and its objectives. To protect Palestinian content.

It is scheduled to be held in Ramallah next Monday, an important meeting of Palestinian institutions, during which will discuss the attack on the Palestinian content by the Facebook administration, and ways to jointly address this attack.

According to the campaign, “Palestine prohibits Facebook” that the past experience proved the success of such protests when the management of the site retreated years ago from violations against Palestinian users after a campaign of partial closure of the site.# Palestine

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