EXCLUSIVE: We Expose South Shields EDL Thug With Mosque 'BOOM!' Tattoo


EXCLUSIVE: We Expose South Shields EDL Thug With Mosque 'BOOM!' Tattoo

By Andy Hughes Location: South Shields

VIDEO: Sky Tyne and Wear exposes EDL thug Shaun Reah
A thug who sparked outrage when he revealed a tattoo of a mosque being blown up during an EDL rally has been tracked down by Sky Tyne and Wear.

Shaun Reah, 39, from South Shields, was pictured lifting up his T-shirt to reveal an image of a Muslim place of worship with “BOOM!” emblazoned across it.
Since the Birmingham demonstration, organised by right wing group English Defence League on Saturday July 20, Mr Reah has received hundreds of death threats after he was identified by young Muslims.
Sky sources say he has been forced to flee his house in South Shields and has been in hiding at a friend’s house nearby.
But we tracked him down in a side street in South Shields, where we confronted him about his controversial tattoo.
Mr Reah has now had the tattoo changed following the public outcry.
He told Sky Tyne and Wear: “I’ve had it removed because people found it offensive.”
When asked why he got the tattoo, he replied: “It was just a daft thing to do.”

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