by Adam Morrow 



“Mubarak took all his family and left … he was in sharm el sheykh this morning but the private jet left… for another unknown destination..”

EGYPT: An obstinate Mubarak fans flames of uprising (below)

By Gordon Duff Senior Editor

Latest reports from Egypt in light of the deteriorating security situation after the shocking revelations from President Mubarak:

  • Coup against Mubarak and Suleiman eminent

  • US Embassy in Cairo to be targeted

  • El Baradei calls out to army for support “save Egypt

  • Crowds are moving on the Presidential Palace.  Gunfire has erupted.  Among the crowds are members of organized paramilitary units.  Something is going on, something more than a public response.

  • President Obama has expressed shock to his close advisors, in the belief that Mubaraks attempts to retain power will result in large scale violence.

  • Embassies, particularly those of Egypt’s neighbors, are evacuating.

  • The power struggle between Vice President Suleiman and Defense Minister Tantawi, with Suleiman backed by Israel, is likely to turn bloody.

more below…..

25 top senior Egyptian military command including generals confirmed that they side with the people and they ask now Mubarak and Suleiman to leave the country to avoid a bloodshed the sooner the better.

Top American diplomats said this morning they will never allow ‘an Egypt that threatened Israel’ !

2 Millions Egyptians prayed behind the Sheykh Muhammad Jibreen in the Tahrir Square. Hundreds of thousands Egyptians are blocked at the moment to reach the presidential palace and the US embassy, clashes in Cairo between thugs and protetsers.

Here we are Gordon… This info is not confirmed yet but … Muslim countries will arrange themselves to pay 2 billions a year the Egyptian army if American and Israelis are ousted from the country… and now Saudi puppet is saying he will pay alone the army… Israel is in bad shape we are clearly living historical changes … do not publish this last info until I have more details about who offered what

Reports received from senior intelligence officials in the Middle East indicate that President Mubarak of Egypt will leave the country within 48 hours though he just denied this in an announcement.  We can wait and see. Indications are that he has been packing and saying his “goodbyes.”

Diplomats from embassies throughout the region have been notified as has the United States, Israel and Russia.

It is said, that Mubarak will claim to be suffering from an illness requiring medical care.  We are told that “care” will be given in Germany.


Vice President Suleiman, chosen by Israel and the United States to take control of the interim government was attacked last night.  Two of his body guards were killed.  Sources inside the Egyptian Army claim those loyal to President Mubarak are responsible.  Read the latest:

“There was story aired by fox news 10 days ago claiming that Suleiman was targeted and some of body guard killed, 10 days ago is just not right Suleiman was just not at the place, it happen last evening and Suleiman and Shafiq are now clearly targeted. There is now an anonymous ‘High Council of The Egyptian Army’ that sent messages through Arabs diplomats and intelligence agencies claiming that they were behind the attempt to kill Suleiman.

This ‘High Council of the Egyptian Army’ is a bogus, and the information coming from Fox news was a fake 10 days ago was in fact coming from Israelis intelligence in Cairo. Was it a warning ? May be, but Suleiman was now targeted and at least 2 bodyguards definitely killed.

There is someone generating confusion and chaos and obviously, these are Israelis.   The Israelis wanted to put the blame on the general Tantawi, Defense Minister, because he is very critical of them, so there is a fight between Suleiman and Tantawi at the moment ongoing”

“American are busy in fact short cutting some real military opposed to Suleiman projects, but these are at moment divided on the strategy to adopt against Suleiman. It is not clear who is pulling the strings but Defense Minister, General Tantawi would like to sit at the place of Suleiman.  He clearly mentioned the risk of the division of the country and the Sinai according to well placed sources.

There are clearly two agendas at work.

It appears now that there is a major split between Mubarak and his American and Israelis masters backing Suleiman, who want to get rid of him asap. Mubarak is not responding anymore to the orders, so tomorrow just expect much more violence to take Mubarak out.  Mubarak just went on Egyptian TV saying he will not move,  he wants stay until September, a coup now is more likely to happen ”


EGYPT: An obstinate Mubarak fans flames of uprising

CAIRO, Feb 11 (IPS) – In a televised address late last night, embattled Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak delegated executive authority to his newly-appointed vice-president, but stopped short of stepping down. The announcement enraged anti-Mubarak demonstrators in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, who say they will maintain their uprising – now in its eighteenth day – until Mubarak’s unconditional resignation.

“The president’s speech fell far short of meeting our demands, chief of which is Mubarak’s ouster,” Ahmed Maher, general coordinator of the 6 April protest movement – which has played a leading role in the uprising – told IPS from Tahrir. “We will step up our demonstrations until he either steps down or we die.”

On Thursday afternoon, the Egyptian Army had released a statement stating that Egypt’s armed forces were “committed to protecting the people, their interests and their security.” The armed forces, it added, “supported the people’s legitimate demands.” (Unlike most western countries, the army in Egypt represents all branches of the armed services.)

At the same time, state television aired images of a meeting of the Armed Forces Supreme Council, chaired by Defence Minister Mohamed Hussein Tantawi. Both Mubarak and Suleiman were notably absent from the meeting, fuelling speculation that Mubarak – who in his capacity as president is also armed forces commander-in-chief – had already resigned.

“After we heard the army’s statement, along with news reports suggesting that Mubarak had stepped down, we asked the army to draw up an executive council consisting of civilian representatives – elected by us – and military figures,” said Maher. “The council was to be mandated with directing national affairs for a transitional period until constitutional amendments could be made ensuring free parliamentary and presidential elections.”

But the demonstrators – whose numbers at Tahrir Square now stand at an estimated two million, according to Qatar-based news channel Al Jazeera – were to be sorely disappointed.

At 11:00 PM Cairo time, state television aired a 17-minute speech by the president, in which he delegated executive power to Vice-President Omar Suleiman, “in accordance with the constitution.” But he added that he would remain nominal president until September, when his successor could be elected in “free and fair” elections.

Mubarak went on to promise that six articles of the constitution, which govern the presidential and parliamentary electoral process, would be amended in line with longstanding demands of the opposition. He also promised to eliminate one constitutional article – Article 179 – granting authorities wide powers of arrest.

He further vowed to abolish Egypt’s longstanding (and highly-unpopular) Emergency Law, “once life in the country returned to normal.”

Saying that “the blood of your martyred and injured would not be in vain,” he also promised to punish the officials responsible for the bloodshed seen over the course of the 18-day-old uprising. Since the beginning of the unrest on January 25, more than 300 protesters are thought to have been killed and thousands more injured.

In answer to calls by western capitals for his resignation, Mubarak reiterated his rejection of “foreign interference” in Egypt’s domestic affairs.

The president’s address was met with derision by protesters, who watched the speech on large television screens erected in Tahrir Square. Halfway through the address, demonstrators began waving their shoes in the air in a traditional show of contempt. “Arhil! Arhil!” (“Get lost! Get lost!”), they recommenced chanting.

“We had been sure that victory was at hand,” 34-year-old protester Ahmed Elassy, who heard the speech at the square, told IPS. “But as Mubarak spoke, the mood at the square went from a carnival atmosphere to one of rage.”

Some 15 minutes later, Suleiman, too, delivered a brief statement on state television.

“We have opened the door to dialogue and drawn up a road map for the implementation of most of the people’s demands,” he said, stressing his commitment to “the realisation of a peaceful transition of authority.” Suleiman concluded by urging demonstrators to “return to their homes and their livelihoods.”

Tahrir Square protesters met these statements, too, with scorn. “Suleiman, Suleiman, you too can get lost!” they chanted in the hundreds of thousands.

“This regime appears entirely out of touch with reality,” Abdelhalim Kandil, prominent Egyptian opposition figure and general coordinator of the pro-democracy Kefaya movement, told IPS following Suleiman’s statement. “Mubarak will set the entire country alight by his stubborn refusal to definitively step down. This will only fan the flames of the uprising.”

“Besides, demonstrators no longer only want his resignation, they want Mubarak – along with all corrupt members of the regime – to face trial for oppressing the people for 30 years,” Kandil added.

But despite these setbacks, protest leaders remain undeterred, saying they will maintain their uprising until Mubarak’s departure.

“We will continue to demonstrate in ever greater numbers in cities countrywide, deploying new means of peaceful protest, until the final departure of both Mubarak and Suleiman,” said Maher.

Shortly after the vice-president’s statement, thousands of demonstrators began marching from Tahrir Square to the presidential palace in Cairo’s Misr Gedida district. While Mubarak is believed to have already departed Cairo, the palace — located some 20 kilometres from the square — is nevertheless considered an important symbol of governance.

As of midday on Friday, some 5000 protesters were reportedly camped out around the walls of the presidential residence, with more said to be on their way. “After Friday prayers, another quarter of a million set out from the square to join protesters at the palace,” said Elassy.

While the army continues to hold positions around the palace, it is said to be interacting peacefully with the protesters.

Demonstrators have also reportedly converged in the tens of thousands on Cairo’s state television building, the presidential residence in Alexandria, Manshiya Square in Alexandria’s Sidi Gabr district, and several other prominent public spaces throughout the country.

Shortly before noon today, the army issued a second statement, in which it vowed to guarantee the political and constitutional reforms promised by the president and his new deputy. It also vowed to ensure protesters’ safety.

To the disappointment of protesters, however, the army has thus far failed to answer their requests for Mubarak’s forceful removal.

“Up until this point, the army’s position remains extremely ambiguous,” Mamdouh Salaama, 36-year-old protester in Tahrir Square, told IPS. “It’s pretending to be with the people, but its becoming increasingly apparent that its heart is with the regime.”

Notably, it was reported on Friday morning that 16 mid-ranking army officers had handed their weapons over to colleagues before joining the ranks of protesters in Tahrir Square.

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