Erdogan Signs Decree To Hold General Elections on May 14

May 28 has been set as the date for a possible second round of the presidential elections. Mar. 10, 2023.

by teleSUR

Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) has ruled Türkiye since 2002.

Türkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday signed a decree on holding presidential and parliamentary elections in Türkiye on May 14.

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“With the authority vested in me by Article 116 of our Constitution, I signed on May 14 the decree for the renewal of the elections, which were scheduled to be held on June 18, 2023,” Erdogan said.

According to the President, “once the decree is published in the official state gazette, the electoral process begins.” The Türkish people will elect the President, as well as the 600 deputies of the Parliament.

The earthquakes of last February 6 which “directly affected 14 million citizens living in 11 provinces” interrupted the discussions on the elections in the country, said Erdogan. 

Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye


Turkey government organization

“Our nation will go to the polls on May 14 for the presidential and parliamentary elections”

In this regard, Erdogan called on “presidential candidates, alliances and political parties” to avoid vicious political fights and campaigns based on lies and slander.

“Without completely eliminating the destruction caused by the Feb. 6 earthquakes and fully repairing the country’s economic, social and psychological losses, Türkiye cannot look to the future with confidence,” he said.

The president has expressed his intention to run for re-election as the presidential candidate of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), in power since 2002. 

His main rival in the election is Kemal Kiliçdaroglu of the nationalist Republican People’s Party (CHP), the main opposition party.

May 28 has been set as the date for a possible second round of the presidential elections, according to the President of the Supreme Electoral Council, Ahmet Yener. 

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