End the Nazi blockade; don’t perpetuate it!


The UK’s Guardian newspaper writes, “The UN’s Robert Serry has reportedly negotiated a deal in which a high-level steering team will oversee monitoring (of the Gaza reconstruction process, following the destructive, 50-day Israeli assault). Of five overarching priorities listed, the first is to satisfy Israeli security concerns. While there have been international calls for a full lifting of the Israeli blockade…the new regime would instead put Gaza under even tighter controls.” 

In fact, just to obtain building materials, Gazan homeowners would be required to register in a database that would be available to Nazi intelligence agencies. That is NOT what the people of Gaza want — aid at the cost of their human rights. A blockade is considered an act of aggression by the Internatinal Criminal Court. if the UN is complicit, it will violate its charter to “suppress acts of aggression or other breaches of peace.”

Don’t betray the Palestinians!

Robert Serry, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process
Work to end the blockade; don’t perpetuate it!

Sammi Ibrahem, Sr

[email protected]

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