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Anti-racism and Islamophobia demo Nov 6.

Merfat Hashem <> 

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Racist attacks summer report.odt (26KB); UAF 6 Nov supporters list.odt (30KB)

Dear Brother Sammi (PSC)


I am writing you this letter to inform you about the national anti-racism and Islamophobia demonstration on the Nov 6.

This demo is called by Unite Against Fascism. Backed by TUC and MCB, supported by most if not all anti-racism campaigns and organisations, all major trade unions, and a long list of people that you will find it attached to this letter.


This demonstration will be a real test for our unity to oppose the growing racism and Islamophobia in UK, Europe and USA.


This demonstration is planned to prevent racism from growing,and to set an example and a standard for international anti-fascist movements, which is clearly needed-judging by the amount of calls for advice that UAF receives from Europe, USA and Australia.


Unfortunate things are happening today that we cannot and must not try to hide from.

We are in danger of facing at this time a repeat of what happened before the Second World War. A Tory government, ongoing imperialist wars in Muslim countries and major economic crisis are creating the conditions for racist and fascist organisations like the BNP and EDL to grow. Mosques have attacked, spy cameras constantly monitor Muslim communities, plans to build the new mosque in Dudley have been blocked. Minarets have been banned in Switzerland the burka ban is spreading across Europe, the next step is banning the hijab in schools and workplaces like in France, de-legalizing halal slaughter, isolating Muslims. There has an increase in racially motivated attacks and killings. We will be increasingly treated like the Jews in the 1930’s and if we allow the fascists to win, then we could face mass deportation, or concentration camps. In short, we are facing serious-but preventable- danger.


We lucky in the UK in the respect that there is an active and highly vocal anti-racist left movement- we need to get more involved with this and strengthen it, or we will end up facing the far right on our own..

Please read the attached link to the RRI for racial attacks since July- Sep 2010.

The mobilisation for the 6 November is national, there will be coaches coming from as far as Scotland. People from different communities, white, black, Muslim, Sikhs, Christian, Hindus, Roma, non-religious groups, gay, lesbian, MP’s, women’s groups, children, left wing political parties, musicians and others.


In relation to your organisation, we would like your involvement, by booking coaches for your community members to attend. I will supply you with leaflets and tickets at some point this week inshaALLAH.


To reach the aim of the demo we need everybody out on the day and with one voice we all say NO TO RACISM NO to ISLAMOPHOBIA. We need demonstration as big the two million people march organised by Stop The War in 2003.


Allah Said in the Quaran:

[Yusufali 4:135] O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.
Wasalam Alium
Mirfat H Sulaiman
For more info please visit:

“O children of Adam, ……… , Eat and drink BUT waste NOT by excess, For God loveth Not the wasters”. Al-Qura`an [7:31]

Messenger of God said:” No man fills a container worse than his stomach. A few morsels that keep his back upright are sufficient for a man.

If eating is necessary, then he should fill ONE-THIRD with food, one-third with drink and leave one-third for easy breathing”.

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