Zio-Nazi Media: Egyptian official threatens IsraHell over Sinai


Member of Egypt’s Higher Military Council says Cairo ‘will cut off the arm of any foreign or domestic aggressor’ if Israel initiates military operation in Sinai

Egypt is threatening to “cut the arm off any foreign or domestic aggressor” following Israeli calls for a military operation in Sinai in the wake of a terrorist attack that claimed the life of Corporal Netanel Yahalomi on Friday.
A member of Egypt’s Higher Military Council told the al-Masry al-Youm newspaper that Cairo will not let one piece of Egyptian land be compromised.
The unnamed official warned Israel against trying to provoke Egypt adding that the country’s military command is handling the issue “with wisdom and calmness.” He noted that Egyptian military is following the recent developments on the border including “Israeli threats” to initiate a military operation in Sinai.
The official added that Egypt’s rulers are taking reports from Israel regarding “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wish to carry out a military operation in Sinai to eliminate terrorists who threaten Israel’s security” very seriously.
Meanwhile, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday that Israel would not agree to reevaluate its peace deal with Egypt.
“There is no chance that Israel will agree to any kind of change” to the peace deal, Lieberman told Israel Radio. “The Egyptians shouldn’t try to delude themselves or delude others and they should not rely on this demand,” he said.
On Friday, a terrorist cell attacked IDF soldiers providing infiltrators with food and water in the Mount Sagi area on the Israel-Egypt border. One soldier was killed and another was injured.
A female IDF combatant from the Caracal Battalion shot dead one of the three terrorists. Another combatant who hid behind a bush was feared kidnapped prompting the dispatch of reinforcements. She was eventually found and was reprimanded.
In the wake of Hosni Mubarak’s ouster, the Sinai Peninsula has turned into a terrorist hotbed.
Meanwhile, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi left Cairo early Monday en route to New York to attend the UN’s General Assembly scheduled to open on Tuesday. Morsi is expected to meet with five world leaders and give an interview to CNN.

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