Egypt: Angered by Gendy's death, protesters attack state buildings in Tanta

Protesters attacked Gharbiya Security Directorate headquarters and the Tanta Police Station after clashes erupted with security forces following the funeral of activist Mohamed al-Gendy on Monday.
Demonstrators hurled stones and Molotov cocktails at the police, who responded with a barrage of teargas to push the protesters back from the buildings. As of Monday night clashes were still ongoing.
Parallel to the clashes, an unidentified group of assailants broke into a gasoline station near the directorate headquarters and robbed the cash register.
Gendy, a member of the Popular Current who resided in Tanta, was in Cairo to take part in mass demonstrations commemorating the second anniversary of the revolution when he disappeared from Tahrir Square on 28 January. Four days later, Popular Current members located him in Al-Helal Hospital in Ramses in critical condition. Party members and Gendy’s family accuse the police of arresting and torturing him to death.
The activist’s funeral took place on Monday in Tahrir’s Omar Makram Mosque. Gendy was then buried in Tanta.
Edited translation from MENA

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