Ed Milliband? Don't you believe it.


This is British Labour party leader Ed Milliband who has said he wants to be the first Jewish prime minister of Great Britain. He’s pictured here at the Holocaust shrine at Yad Vashem which will surprise no-one since such a visit, photographed and disseminated, is de rigeur for any political wannabee in the the Western world.
In October 2013 I reported on an article from the Daily Mail which drew a nefarious connection between the then new Labour party leader, Ed and his late father Ralph Milliband. The article’s sub-text was that Ralph, as a self-proclaimed cosmopolitan (read Jewish) Marxist who had devoted his life to world revolution, was unlikely to bring up a son to be exactly loyal to Great Britain as she is.
At the time the British public was outraged. It seemed simply wrong that a man could be judged simply by the ideology and even the deeds of his father.
Yesterday, as the British election hotted up, Michael Fallon, a senior government minister claimed that Ed Milliband as Prime Minister would, just as he had stabbed his brother in the back, so stab the British people in the back. (For non-Brit readers, Milliband secured the Labour leadership by waging a somewhat clandestine campaign against his previously shoe-in brother David. David went off to sulk while Ed took up the crown of party leadership and very-likely future prime minister)
Again, outrage. I mean, how low can you get? Surely a man should be judged on his policies not on how he treated his brother. But the politician who made the accusation stood by his words. Ed Milliband had demonstrated that he would do anything, simply anything, to get what he wants. Is this the kind of man we want to lead our country?
Ed Milliband looks a bit odd (Richard III?) and he has a slight speech defect and you get the feeling that nobody really knows what he’s thinking. All-in-all he comes across as a bit of a nerd.
Don’t you believe it.

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