Dow: one month till the Olympics

“By exposing the crimes Dow Chemical is trying to whitewash through its sponsorship of the Olympics, you are helping us fight the crimes of this evil company. Thank you for your contributions to the struggle for justice in Bhopal.”
— Hazra Bee, survivor and campaigner for justice in Bhopal

Dear All
Today marks one month until the London 2012 Olympic Games begins, and the stadium wrap is covering the Olympics in Dow’s shameful legacy.
When I started my petition last November to drop the wrap, I worried Dow would use the Olympics to whitewash their toxic reputation. Instead, we turned Dow’s Olympic sponsorship into a PR disaster for them and drew international attention to the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Bhopal.
So although we didn’t win this campaign, I’m incredibly proud of everything we’ve achieved. Here are some of the things that have happened since I last wrote to you:

  • The campaign has been covered in the Telegraph, the Guardian, the FT, The Indian Times, The Hindustan Times and over 100 other papers across the Globe
  • In nearly every article about Dow’s Olympic sponsorship the issue of Bhopal and the campaign for justice has been raised
  • Prime Minister David Cameron, LOCOG Chair Seb Coe, London Mayor Boris Johnson and Dow Vice-President George Hamilton were all forced to answer questions about Dow’s legal liabilities for Bhopal
  • I’ve heard reports that they’re running a pilot project to safely dispose of 346 tonnes of toxic waste from the factory site in Bhopal — and the Indian Government are planning to send the bill to Dow

The waste-disposal pilot project is an incredible step forward and friends in Bhopal say it wouldn’t have happened without the active campaigning taking place in India and the UK around Dow’s sponsorship of the London Olympics.
So although I’m closing my petition to drop Dow’s wrap, I will keep fighting for justice in Bhopal and hope you’ll join me. Today I’ll be joining in an international day of action, supporting campaigners in the UK, India, Canada and the US by tweeting the following at Seb Coe:
Dear @sebcoe, Apologise to #Bhopal survivors for defending #Dow’s toxic legacy. Justice for Bhopal.
If you’re on Twitter, click here to send a tweet.
Dow’s shameful wrap may be covering the London 2012 Olympics stadium, but my campaign to support the people of Bhopal won’t be wrapping up until there’s justice.
Thanks for supporting my campaign and helping to bring this issue to prominence,
Lorraine Close
PS – If you want find out more about the campaign for justice in Bhopal, visit Bhopal Medical AppealDrop Dow Now or the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal

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