All that I can say about the disgusting first item is that as much as I love dogs, those trained by humans to bite harder and harder the more the ‘enemy’ struggles need to be imobolized by some not-dangerous-to-animals (4-legged and 2-legged), substance that that will instantly put them to sleep for a few hours, till the boat or flotilla reaches port and the animals can be safely caged.
Are there no limits to what the world will allow Israel to do? Sick world. Sick sick Israel!
[My highlighting below]
Item 2 is about the new proposed law that demands that anyone wanting Israeli citizenship must pledge loyalty to the Jewish democratic state. For one thing, Israel is far from democratic. For a second, this law is aimed mainly at Arabs.
Makes me want to return my Israeli citizenship! Perhaps that’s what needs doing. If we could convince 3 or 4 thousand Israelis to do that, the leaders might think twice.
But it’s unlikely that we can find even 1000 ready to take that step.
Too bad.
October 07, 2010
Baring Teeth
Attack dogs ‘have proved their capabilities’ (archives) Photo: Courtesy of IDF Spokesman
Dogs to be used in next flotilla raid
IDF learns lessons from Turkish flotilla: Oketz unit dogs will be first to go aboard, keep area sterile until soldiers arrive
The IDF is learning from its experience with the flotilla to the Gaza Strip, and when the next flotilla – if there is one – is boarded by the navy, the soldiers will be assisted by attack dogs from the Oketz unit. The dogs will be the first to board the decks, to prevent harm to soldiers from hostile elements on board.
“As soon as you put an attack dog in an area where soldiers are supposed to get to, it keeps the place sterile and prevents anyone from approaching,” a military source said. “Dogs can be placed by crane or other means. They’ll be the first, and after them, the soldiers.”
Dogs from the Oketz unit are trained to immobilize an enemy by biting – the more the enemy struggles, the harder the bite. “Attack dogs have proved their capabilities on many occasions,” the source said. “They are strong and merciless, but in fact this is a non-lethal weapon that can certainly do the work (on the deck).”
The same source said dogs were involved in preparations for boarding the Turkish flotilla, but it was believed there would be no violent opposition from the people aboard the Marmara, so they were not sent onto the decks.
‘Dogs can operate on board’
“After that flotilla, we understood that this is indeed a good method and we’re improving our abilities,” he said. “A dog has no problem operating on a boat and can do great work.”
It must be noted that in military investigations, officers have pointed out that after the Shayetet soldiers had succeeded in getting onto the deck, their operation was easy. Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi testified to the Turkel committee that the area which the soldiers reach must be sterile, and even hinted at the need for snipers.
Recently, in light of the Oketz unit’s operational success, it has been decided to expand its activities in war and emergency situations. The unit will take part in training with other units which the dogs will then meet on the battlefield.
“This will create cooperation and familiarity between the dog handlers and dogs, and the officers,” the military source said. “Then, when they have to operate during war, the initial familiarity of each handler and each dog with a different unit will increase efficacy.”
Mr Netanyahu has given his backing to the citizenship bill
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has re-introduced a proposal to require any non-Jew taking Israeli citizenship to swear allegiance to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic state”.
The proposal has angered Israel’s Arab minority, which makes up 20% of Israel’s population.
Labour party ministers, who also oppose the bill, say they expect a new freeze on settlement building as a payoff.
This is a key Palestinian demand in the current peace talks.
The Israeli cabinet is expected to back the proposal on Sunday. It then goes before the Knesset, the Israeli parliament.
If approved, the new law will affect a small number of non-Jews who seek Israeli citizenship.
It will not affect those who seek citizenship under the law of return which gives people of Jewish ancestry the right to settle in Israel and gain citizenship.
Correspondents say it will mainly apply to Palestinians married to Israelis who seek citizenship on the basis of family re-unification, foreign workers, and a few other special cases.
Possible ‘payoff’?
The proposal, which is being backed by Mr Netanyahu, has been welcomed by right-wing ministers.
“Everyone who wants to receive Israeli citizenship must swear loyalty to the state of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state,” ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told public radio.
Mr Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party made the oath the centrepiece of its campaign in the 2009 election, which eventually led to it becoming the second largest member of the governing coalition after Mr Netanyahu’s Likud.
Proposed citizenship oath New wording: “I swear that I will be a loyal citizen to the state of Israel, as a Jewish and democratic state, and will uphold its laws.”Mainly affects Palestinians married to Israelis, foreign workers, and a few other special cases where people seek to be naturalised as Israeli citizensDoes not affect people of Jewish ancestry and their spouses who have the right to settle in Israel and gain citizenship under the law of returnCabinet rejects oath of loyalty.
But the Labour Party, the junior coalition partner, has questioned the proposed change to Israel’s citizenship law.
“I hope that Mr Netanyahu’s support is a payoff to Mr Lieberman, so that the prime minister will be able to extend the freeze without breaking apart his coalition,” an unnamed minister told Israel’s Yediot Ahronot newspaper.
Both Mr Netanyahu and Yisrael Beitenu have denied any deal involving an extension of the partial settlement freeze on Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
The recently renewed peace talks are currently at risk of collapse over ongoing Jewish settlement building in the occupied West Bank, with the Palestinians threatening to walk out unless the freeze is reinstated.
Divisive issue
Recognition of Israel as a Jewish state is one of Israel’s key demands in any eventual peace deal with the Palestinians.
To that end, Mr Netanyahu has rejected the right of return of Palestinian refugees, calling it a device to destroy the state of Israel by demography.
Israeli Arabs Comprise 20% of the population. Descend from Palestinian inhabitants pre-1948Mid-East talks: Where they stand
The Palestinians, in the form of the Palestinian Authority, have agreed to recognise Israel as a state, but have rejected the demand to recognise its Jewish character.
They say it is unnecessary, that it ignores the Israeli-Arab citizens of Israel, and that in effect, it invalidates the right of return of refugees from previous wars.
Also, the issue of requiring some citizens – mainly Israeli Arabs – to swear allegiance to a Jewish state has proved deeply divisive within Israeli society.
In proposing the requirement, right-wing parties had focused on perceived disloyalty among Israeli Arabs, drawing widespread criticism as well as support.