Success of an (ZIONIST)Argentinian Jewish philanthropist
I somehow managed to land a meeting with George Soros, a very rich man. We talked for an hour or so, and then he asked me how much money I thought I could handle. I told him I could manage $10m, and he said ‘Okay, no problem!’
That’s how Eduardo Sergio Elsztain, among the leading businessmen in Argentina and the Jewish world, described the moment when he was a young man in 1990 that changed his career.” Soros explained regarding his decision to invest $10m in that first meeting in New York with a 30-year-old, inexperienced and completely unknown Argentinean Jew:He knew when to sell and when to buy.Elsztain does a great deal for the Argentinian Jewish community, which he has led as the president of Chabad. He is known as a modest, pleasant man who shuns publicity. In the past, he has also served as treasurer and “finance minister” of the World Jewish Congress. Elsztain is considered one of the most significant investors in the Taglit-Birthright program, and he is the founder and life-blood of Hillel in Argentina. 
He customarily wears a black kippa, is close to Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto from Ashdod, and on his visits to Israel, makes a point of visiting the graves of the righteous. During the recent economic crisis in Argentina, Elsztain served as his country’s unofficial emissary in the Jewish world, and through his standing in the World Jewish Congress, handled Argentina’s business in international institutions to gather funding for his country’s economic recovery plan. Today, he is a leader in Endeavor, an international nonprofit organization that supports entrepreneurs in emerging markets.
On his plans for the future, it is worthy to note his interview with Calcalist in 2011, when he was in Israel with the World Jewish Congress to discuss the future of the Jewish nation, far before he knew he would go into business with Nochi Dankner in a company controlling IDB. He told journalist Asaf Levy:According to our strategy, we will continue to invest in two primary areas: real estate and finance. Without revealing too much, I can tell you that our company is planning to expand its global activities, and not focus on South America alone.
[ed notes:why soros teamed up with ”elsztain” below..
Argentine Farm Sales Raise Questions of Land Speculation By Soros
There is one factor that has slowed Adecoagro speculation in Argentine land, however. This occurred in December 2011 when the Argentine Senate voted 62-1 to approve a law capping ownership by a foreign individual or company at 1,000 hectares (2,470 acres) in a bid to curb the loss of land to outsiders.
[ed notes:Soros wasnt stupid ,seeing that law as an obstacle he circumvented that ,and teamed up with a zionist jew argentinian…see first article above..

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