Dog genocide in Turkey




Abandoned and abused, 36 Golden Retrievers were rescued from the streets of Turkey before Ordogan authorities could poison them, shoot them or bury them alive. They are now in America, awaiting adoption.

Sadly, these Turkish dogs were not so lucky:

Hurriyet Daily News  Fifteen dogs were found dead, cast out in the depths of Istanbul’s Beykoz forests with poison frothing from their mouths in what has been yet another stray dog massacre

A It was so appalling that animal rights defenders from all around the world stood up against it. Over 20 mass graves were found, and there were over 5000 dead dogs in them. It took days for all the graves to be dug and all the bodies to be exhumed.


During the first days, it was understood that some dogs, including puppies, had been buried alive. Some of those puppies were rescued, others gone. Ordogan authorities were arguing that there was a rabies outbreak in Antalya so they had to kill the animals – yet many of the dogs killed were wearing ear tags indicating that they had been vaccinated against rabies. Rabies was simply a pretext.

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