George, a reader, thinks so.
“Jones is a surgeon, and a clever one, albeit not quite clever enough to convince you that he’s one of the good guys. He is having a real effect in combating the NWO, and it is terribly disappointing that you cannot recognize how. Everyone with good or light on their side has their position to play, and everyone plays their position differently.”
From George:
Hello Henry,
I have just finished reading your article about Alex Jones. I am highly disappointed. There are so many problems with it, it would take me far too long to address it in any way that would be considered complete, so I will have to limit myself to the most important aspect.
For five years, I have listened to Mr. Jones every day with very few exceptions, and day in and day out Jones absolutely savages Jews. There is not a single high powered Jew he has not laid waste to. The list is too long to even begin to compile. In fact, it would be far easier to come up with a very short list of Jews he hasn’t attacked, but as a few random examples of those subject to his onslaught I give you Sumner Redstone, Elena Kagan, Rahm Emmanuel, and Janet Yellen. Jones has merely made the decision, for whatever reason, to attack the super elite as human beings without distinguishing them as Jews. So what. That is his prerogative. If others are able to put the last piece of the puzzle together without Jones being so explicit then he has done the job marvellously. Makow, you have to sharpen your skills in distinguishing good from evil. Jones is your ally.
Henry, I’ve read enough of your writing to know you have a good heart, but on this one you are terribly misguided.
It is virtually impossible for Jones to be so called controlled opposition, because if he was, it would be the most illogical tactic that could possibly be employed by the powers that be. Jones shines light on every conceivable evil perpetrated by the NWO, day in and day out, and there is no play in the book that says this is a viable tactic against an enemy, which in this case is you and I. Therefore, by appeal to the most basic logic, one must infer the NWO is not so stupid as to wantonly allow a constant spotlight to remain on their crimes by employing one Alex Jones. The fact that he ruthlessly excoriates the highest echelons without explicitly identifying many of them as Jewish is thoroughly irrelevant.
As just one example of how easy it is to disprove the Jones controlled opposition hypothesis of Peter C. via Makow, consider that in the article you cite a bombshell dropped by former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney regarding the Israel lobby. Did you know that Ms. McKinney is a frequent guest on Alex Jones Show? Did you know that Cynthia McKinney has been a frequent guest on the Alex Jones Show before and after her bombshell of 2012 that you just cited? She has been on Jones’s show no less than four times that I am aware of. Alex loves Ms. McKinney and constantly brags about her incredible strength and fearless character, so how can you remotely explain this? I could cite scores of similar examples if I felt the listening party was actually prepared to give an alternative viewpoint on Alex Jones real consideration.
My point is, sometimes you have to look deeper when faced with obvious contradictory evidence. I have demonstrated that Jones cannot be a militant Zionist by pointing his relationship with Ms. McKinney (verifiable with some diligent archive searching). I have also listened to Jones express great criticism of Israel. As yet another example, he frequently mentions Israel’s bombing of the USS Liberty, and he pulls no punches. Henry, why would he pull back the veil on the Liberty affair if he was exclusively pro Israel? Henry, the truth is, you have incorrectly assessed Jones and his motives, mostly through focusing solely on circumstantial evidence that supports your conjecture. Jones has at least ten thousand hours of airtime, which means that any single minded editor could easily find and compile statements that could support just about any theory about Jones.
My point remains, Jones is fearless and ferocious in his attacks on jews, not just on an occasion here and there, but every day. Just for a lark, add to my previous short list Henry Kissinger, Cass Sunstein, Chuck Shumer, Michael Bloomberg, Barbara Boxer, and the granddaddy of them all, Jacob Rothchild as just a few of the jews which Jones has taken on. I have heard Jones obliterate these people to the point that if they were facilitating him in any way, it would have to be merely as an act of suicide. In fact, I have a challenge for you, Henry. Provide me with just two prominent names of the illuminati that you are certain Jones has never talked about because of his connections.
In my opinion, Jones remains alive and out of the clutches of the powers that be for one reason, and one reason only, providence. Does Jones have faults? Sure, plenty of them, but who doesn’t.
You know, timing is everything. As fate would have it, at the very moment our topic turned to Alex Jones supposed Islamophobia, Jones reported on today’s show that on Monday he interviewed someone very interesting. In fact, Jones interviewed the very last person any Islamophobe would choose to interview. The interview lasted some two hours and included a very cordial dinner after with associates of both sides present. Some of the conversation at dinner was also recorded. All reports are the interview went very well and there was considerable common ground. Who did Jones interview? Louis Farrakhan.
Can you tell me if Jones’s attempt to find common ground with the leader of the Nation of Islam creates any doubt that you might have some facts wrong?
Jones will release the interview within a short time. I hope you will make some effort to listen to it in entirety. And I hope you will give consideration to trusting my insight with respect to Jones since I have far more information about where he stands on matters related to the NWO, the unfolding police state, and the criminal activity of the American government, which happens to be bought and paid for by the crime syndicate that is your sole focus.
Makow reply- I don’t visit Jones’ sites so I depend on readers like you. You start by saying Jones lambasts Zionists and then you say he soft pedals them – which is it? If you’re going to “lead the opposition” in Lenin’s words, you have to be convincing. Hitler was convincing and I believe he was also false opposition. Michael Collins Piper described how the Illuminati Jewish bankers have used false opposition in the past. Like Jones, the John Birch Society does good work but it is also false opposition.
I believe Jones is false opposition because 1) His connection to Bronfman lawyer. 2) He was too young (age 22) when he got into the biz. He was groomed. 3) He has admitted he is a Rosicrucian, which is a Freemason. Admitted many family members were Masons. 4. More telling than Jews, he glosses over the role of Freemasonry which is crucial. 5. His access to mainstream media. 6. His cutting off William Cooper with the spurious excuse that Cooper used profanity. Did the same thing to me when I was on his show in 2008. He chewed me out for saying, “Illuminati don’t give a shit.” The world is going down the toilet, and suddenly this loudmouth Texan is being prissy?
————Cringeworthy! Jones Shills for Weight Loss products
First Comment from George:
I could seriously challenge your published response to my emails, and explain Jones’s real position probably better than he could. In fact, just in the last few days, and prompted by our recent exchange, I have uncovered some interesting things that bolster my Jones hypothesis substantially. It would take me weeks to formulate a written presentation, and I just don’t have the time. I merely make the small gesture on occasion to pull together those who are near the front lines, when time allows by writing a brief letter or two.
I am deeply disappointed that I failed to make any positive impression on you, and that you declined to call me, or provide a phone number so that we could discuss this at length. You know perfectly well how laborious it is to formulate complex thoughts and ideas and present them well in writing. You say you depend on readers like me for your information about Jones, so the idea that I am much less credible than the others – given what efforts I have made to reach out on a more personal level – tells me that you have no interest in changing your opinion on him. Make no mistake, Henry, you are far less effective in your life’s work because of it.
Lynda writes:
No. Stick to your position. You have called it. Alex is controlled opposition. “To control the opposition, you must lead the opposition”. (It sounds better in French).
Your reader George is engaging; his heart is in the right and write place. But like most people with good hearts who are working to correct their thinking, George does not get – in a word: guile. He does not get trauma based mind control as used on mass populations. And frankly who would want to get it? Unfortunately at this point in the discussion, this is one of the must knows.
The Jewish Supremacy needs anti-semitism – a specific type of anti-semitism that must look as much as possible like raving, foaming at the mouth irrational hate. This is because the Jewish mass mind has been programmed to think/feel and know in the kishkes that the Jews as a people are hated by all others for no other reason than – they are Jews. This program at an unconscious, racial level is virtually downloaded with the DNA. Only the Divine Logos, Christ the Saviour of men can heal this. But Gentiles can at least be aware of what the Jewish program is and refrain from punching enter, enter, enter – as does Alex Jomes.
And the Gentiles can work on de-programming ourselves. Why am I not surprised Alex Jones does not go there?
If we were to sit down at the table with the Learned Elders who are mapping this thing out, we would see they have certain necessities. One of them is to keep their schmo screen as impenetrable as possible. And they have to work the bellows and drive the machine of war in terms of the human mind and emotions. E Michael Jones has called it. Israel Shamir has called it and Gilad Atzmon has called it. And you have called it, Henry. The Jewish people are both camoflauge and shields to the Big Machers at the apex of the new world order. In his “Goy Guide to World History”, E Michael Jones lays out one of the key roles of the Jews as a population: “they are human shields”.
To control this dynamic population and keep it on a short lead, the Machers have to apply trauma based mind control to a mass population. It has to be seared into the Jewish mind that the non-Jews hate them for no other reason that they are Jews, hate their looks, their characters, their successes, their cooking, their grandmothers, their achievements, their kids and even their pet shi-tzus. It is important, in terms of the schmo screen, that the Jewish program must read like: ‘if Big Jew did not have the situation in hand, a pogrom would get Judge Judy off the air and close all the kosher delis tomorrow’. They have to live in a state of anxiety. Basically it is the same schtick the Big Machers are running on all the Gentile nations they have now subverted and are in process of utiliizing as ZOGs for their new world order. On a darker note, it is why the Jewish false flags and black ops often include in the script an atrocity on a Jewish school or business or centre.
It is one of their main weaknesses that the Schmucks who are running this never really get any new ideas.
By now, of course, with so much evidence on the table documenting the outsized role that Jews are playing in the subversion of nations, anti-semitism doesn’t look so irrational. This constitutes a problem for the Big Machers. Enter the Alex Jones brand of anti-semitism. In terms of the Jewish Supremacy and its works, Alex never actually breaks any news about the Jewish role in the subversion of nations. The information that he deals with is already public domain. So Alex plays an indispensable role in framing it for the goys, modelling the emotional energy, “lambasting the Jews” and brewing the storm and the fury. The Big Machers can use that. Correction. They will certainly use that. Right now they are using it to dominate the speech that is putting the evidence of the Jewish Supremacy on the table and apply it to providing a strong suggestion that the Jews should ‘return’ to Israel. I seriously doubt that anyone who reads your writing thinks that the ZOG wars over there are about oil. Of course, the ZOG wars are for the creation of Greater Israel. Who is supposed to inhabit Greater Israel if not the Jews?
In terms of the program, the Jews have to ‘get it’ that they are hated because they are Jews and because they are, on the whole, a successful group. And from the Big Macher POV, the more Jews who can be loud and out there with their successes that create social destruction for the Gentiles, the more they will give all Jewish success stories a bad name. Think Lucky Larry and his insurance pay-out on the Twin Towers. Alex’s role is to amplify that and shit stir the backlash.
But as with David Icke, Alex crops the Masonic Agentur out of the picture. Them good ole boyz Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum have to front the schmo screen and promote the ordo ab chao. How could Alex possibly miss this? For me that seals it. Alex is controlled opposition and he is modelling to an international audience exactly the kind of anti-semitism the Big Machers want at this stage of Revelation of Method.
The Jews who want to dismantle the Jewish programming and rewrite the script will have to be strict with Alex. The Gentiles who want to dismantle the Gentile programming and rewrite the script will have to be strict with Alex. He must exit pursued by a bear.
Glenn writes:
“Do We Owe Alex Jones An Apology?” No, Alex Jones owes us an apology. When I was a relative new comer to the “truth movement” sometime around 2004 I found Alex to be a good source for information I was seeking on 9-11 and the globalist agenda in general. I was even an infowars subscriber. Alex never seemed to be afraid to call out the bad guys. As a period of two years passed by with me listening to his every show I began to notice at times Alex would absolutely destroy the guest he had on his show if they in someway crossed some kind of line he held sacred. He would become loud and rude, talking and almost screaming over his guest at times. This began to grate on me and made me wonder if he was not in fact “paid opposition”, used to keep people who were smart enough to know many things were not right about 9-11 looking in a certain direction and not at the real culprits.
One of my first eye opener’s was when a video was posted of Alex disrupting and really destroying a pro second amendment rally in Austin, Texas. Here is a link to that video.
My second clue was when Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton (now Dykes as Aaron and Mellissa were married) quit his show and started their own truth site. Aaron was the force behind some really great videos put out by infowars at the time.
So, after years of research and a relentless quest for the truth I have found there is a great force out there who are in fact nothing more than paid opposition, cointelpro if you will. These forces act the same way the lame stream media does. They feed you constant doses of fear along with a steady list of enemies to hate. It will be hard when you learn these folks are paid and supported by the same Jewish masters who rule over everything else. It will be hard when you learn these controller’s and their plan of deception and lies are as old as history itself.
If you do not think we have a “Jewish” problem, ask yourself why virtually EVERY politician must kiss the ring of the Jew before he is allowed to enter the field of national politics. Ask your self why the largest lobby in America is a JEWISH lobby pushing a JEWISH agenda. Ask your self why the fact that five Israelis were arrested on 9-11 as suspected conspirators is never mentioned. After all of that, ask yourself why Alex Jones will never mention anything to do with our Jewish problem. Maybe it is true that he is in fact Alex Jewns.